Monday, November 24, 2008

Jenna Jameson Uncensored

We moved

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Man's Snowmobile Salvage

Live sucks V

latest after this date should be Richard Dawkins book "The God Delusion" is my new Bible, he founded were, the divine nonexistence
As far as I could but still no go -. but I think at least once has this guy just has a quite perverse vein ...

belongings with my move to car sharing . de NEN girl found what was on the same tag by Nuremberg move to Bernburg. Perfect.
Have it all organized, NEN new Transportation organized so that it fits with pure stuff, time schedule set up, ready me erklärtmit one-and unload, and drive off in the morning by 5.
writes today that she does not move them yet. Yes exactly, they did not write that it does not move with me but that it moves not at all - NEXT WEEK TUESDAY.
Say Trulla still okay?
Now I have my contacts in the local group used less and NEN MB Vito organized by Avis. The nice man was about to terminate immediately, I wolltmir by the count, but again shortly. When I then 5 minutes later calls the thing is gone. Well, Mr. B., which is what gets us pretty fix - hättense you lalalala
So I'll continue searching tomorrow so ....
So, I placement now the server and then go home to prepare for tomorrow ...
Rinjebounced kinners.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Where Can I Buy A Star Wars Waffle Maker

Live sucks sucks IV

Yes, there is no end.
suckt it still do it properly. Since Pork and Beans by Weezer can not change it.
How is it?
Well, after my model was finally correctly it was time to implement and deliver results. That is
customize the software still alittle bit the customer demands, generate databases and optimize for the 8-core blade you're worth. My Supervisor has given me kindly, additional capacity at his university. The plan was that Wednesday night all the results are ready and they can be presented Thursday at the client - and we were good at the time:)
Then came this evening. Students have been: Software rechecked and revised Chapter 3 of the DA (in the last few nights I was 1 and 2 terminate already successfully: D)
Then I watch more precisely, the database and see that our products are been delivered in containers, but the latter neither weight nor dimensions and thus also have no volume. Great fool, if I want to optimize the filling of a truck. The whole was a change in particular the software I had ordered, it was implemented correctly, however I have a special this tiny change is not made explicit and checked again underestimated the impact on the big picture. Sun Kam because we now have 24 hour period all have to expect again. Greetings to the server - which is NOT fun for you ^ ^
After I had washed down the knowledge with a glass of for special (emergency) cases waiting Loch Lomond Single Malt went's to the machines, there was definitely NEN Kippchen the window due. So out of two houses is more so NEN machine. And on my street were cars - one of which was a golf III - with interior lighting in because the door was not too correct. So I was the savior of the poor people, the "on foot to work" saves. And if now who says that everything was coincidence then I'll thump him - and> strong: -0
And if that does not help then he can be happy Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion from me. I'd like to get back but. wants the book is definitely one where I always stand ready to hand in my bookcase have:) to part

Cya V

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How To Replace Graco Snugride Cover

Live sucks III

What can I say - now it was just more like the days before that .
wanted to go to nem interview in Stuttgart. Actually, no problem - Are indeed in the group pre-fabricated for all practices and recommendations for action ^ ^
So with the car rental between two sites: For internal traffic, I was already logged in, I have therefore only to the intranet go to reserve NEN cars and pure sit down then.
Until you can sit and I am yet come - the PIN-entering has gefunzt yet, the radio was still on - and off again. Looked suspiciously empty battery. Seems good to those who have not heard the beep that sounds when you leave the car while the light is still burning ...
Have I therefore the competent person called competence, which was of course just with a different Panne employs promised, but in 3 minutes to recall it. It was, of course, 10 - now it was then 10:30 - so one more hour to get to Stuttgart-Moehringen. According no problem, but the highway on the section regularly overcrowded.
The fear that the tank is almost empty, has also been found to be unnecessary, I have the fuel gauge just from the wrong side of reading - the tank was almost full, almost non-empty * Hmph *
On the way back I then a car which had caught while NEN radio, but you have not notice much of the music because the roof so leaky that it was at the 170km / h just firm has whistled loudly .... After all, the A8
was reasonably free time so I still had to have new passport photos do - the other (freshly made) are still in the wallet ...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Herpes On The Nose Images

Live sucks II

what I forgot in the heat of writing:
Dtld During my trip was my dear flatmate times made fun of my room into the net to attract tenants NEN. There have also spontaneously about 60 people in 3 days ^ ^ A report was particularly active then so afraid that he got NEN Appointment - at the home of her because I was not even there ...
your room liked him very well - probably the fear was added in the next Weeks nothing else to be found. So he can fax the lease agreement and signed by the landlord fix. Whether he had in mind that the room is just to have when bunk bed, mattress, shelving and a desk against a negotiated amount to be taken over, I doubt it. After a phone call ehendlosen with the same phrases again and again his hand and repeats the same sense and explanatory excesses - his hand again - we have agreed on 250 (instead of 300) Eus. He wanted to again think about whether it is acceptable for the price and get back in 3 days (ie last Friday) by telephone. O-Ton: "We will agree on the price already." The loft bed, he will indeed not be left unchallenged, if he would cut it at ground level. I do not care - I'm selling it as it is, and nichzt in the condition it will be after my statement - that a discount because he wants to cut the bed and the legs so now obviously not needed ...
So far so good. Then
me a lot that the mattress is only 110x200, not necessarily presuppose a bed of 150x200. So I wrote him that I would be willing to renegotiate the price or mattresses to give him the right to buy that he must not make. Instead, he came back that would take only a desk and shelf - it can not use bed. Great - top notch I thought. I must therefore still to a bigger truck Rent, or get rid of that stuff somehow. But if he does not want the high bed, he can not get a desk and shelf - even if I'm going to get both and never again 80 € - but since then but I'm alittle bit peculiar. Jaja vlt, even bitchy - I do not care. He's gets at least not piecemeal. Basta.
Tired, pissed off and I come today with a headache nu home at night - in anticipation of many pleasant hours with my DA * cough * As looks the pretty face of my roommate from the room and announced: He has called. ER not see why he should buy everything - after all, is not in the contract. ER * 19-20 * Call again aufdieuhrschau And I had just on the way from the bus to my little room resigned everything to him and not to sell me my chances on ebay be served .... Well, We'll see what to come out - vlt's it yes for NEN third part * gg *
OK, I can now even women miss - but I want the Lord MH from BS still given the opportunity to publish a guest article *, hint wink *
So, I cook my first NEN green tea. And should I make Logh out as well - only brings a bad idea. He prefers "not Live is a Remedy" Slut with:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Soul Eater English Translated Doujinshi

Live I

As it is now almost always not more worthwhile to go to sleep I can just> get rid of even more: -0 After
has now been found, not even the empty shell of my purses , I'm busy here to get anything new or expensive to buy * Hmph *
Today was during the lunch break, the license to it. I had this morning packed the last extra passport photograph and the brand-new biometric passport and benchmark security is required with all documents for a successful working day at work unpacked. This thoughtlessness much to me, of course, only when I stood before the Lord in the musty quality muffle driving license office. 35Eus for the new FS, 16 international for the FS - and of course you can not use this one and the same passport photograph. may provide a scanner in the dusty office to the expected 9 billion people in more tax revenue not expect. Instead, you take on better guarantees for himself down economize banks ... Oh, and the round-trip cost me 3.60 weil. course .. exactly - A monthly pass is in the wallet. Just like the TAN-list for an account. A new card can only order that is who enters a valid TAN * rolf * Fees received it appears that 15 is a magic number to be:
7.50 for blocking of the card for the new card + 7,50 € = 15
The request for a new BanCard: 15 €
processing of refund for the purchase of non-discounted tickets (and ticket lost because BC50 shcon posted): 15 €. Fortunately, the trip from Berlin to Ulm is so expensive that it "pays" to pay the 15 Eus. The train is actually always checked at least 3 times, each conductor will always see the BC50. Only this time, when I came here had no BC50 1 (in words: ONE) conductor, who did not even see the BC.
That reminds me somehow the song just one: Panda - jeht shit. HF
When I got myself looking deeper into the cost of one-way rental of a van and the cost of the visa application for the visa, the entry into the Homeland Security Database, insurance ... blah blah ... expected to have to cancel then I did spontaneously paintball games. react 40Eus for 3 hours but is NEN good price, but only if you must pay in red euros ^ ^
And when there is still the competence team at T-Systems left miserably down to is almost done knitting

OK, the local car company is not a Christian union - that was so specifically a church founded T-division, with flat top to. Calls are of course only for 9 instead of the usual 18 months recorded and used solely for improving service * cough * should this really be known that the elderly gentleman at the other end of the line does not rely on such trivial means such as physical data storage. But what we already know - one of us knows not even so the difference between Immaculate Conception and virgin birth . It can do both with one and the same person can be related - that Mary, the mother of Jesus, not the woman here.
But sometimes it seems too good to my life with me. The GACC, when I apply for my J1 has advised me of me "... one of the leading international assurances AIG ... to insure "(health, accident, liability insurance). After I had met again at my last Dtld trip with my financial Fritzen I decided myself to insure. At the current dollar rate is . which is a zero sum game But in the months to a strengthening of the dollar is expected to be used in Dtld insurance policy taken out cheaper I also had to read today that AIG is indeed quite large, but has also at least as big problems .. - and not just since yesterday
Btw -. automatic cookie on your time from -acceptance, or it is so that you will always be asked if a NEN site wants to set a cookie - you will not get out of the click. This is really frightening - even the (dynamic) bookmarks always want what Cook ^ ^
So - all is once again became confused and dissolute than planned - but never mind. Those who do not's fits that can even write to the comments : P
And because it's purely fits times not at all a piece of my playlist:
Funny van Dannen - Herzscheiße

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Man Ejaculates At Camera

Live Illiterate - Illiterate Labrune Family

from the heading: music and literature.

This Saturday, the 06th September 2008 play the Illiterate Live the Family in Labrun (at Prettin).

The day is marked by events such as the THW, the Bundeswehr, the German Red Cross, the volunteer fire department, etc. who want to pass along to young people new perspectives and are also charged .

There will be a great program and the evening is rounded off with music.

Live on stage will be available from 19 clock to experience the illiterate.

Take advantage of this opportunity in the late summer of the year - we are looking forward to many well-known but also new faces.

a review to the gig, as always, then it will be read on this blog and on

Monday, September 1, 2008

Specialized Dolce Comp

Good morning world

I have washed, ironed, GE-icq-ed cleaned up, sorted paper, backpack packed ... And
noted that it is extremely impractical suit and shirts can be transported into it. I have always wanted to NEN case, but oh well how this is so, no money, no desire, no need. But in 2 months I'll probably need one ^ ^
thought 4GB is not enough to NEM ipod from all music genres take likely. But it did fit: Here is a summary.
From my unsorted folder and the new music (mostly from Jamendo ) I fixed two random lists handicrafts, ma behold what's inside * gg *

the wealth of music, I'll also use can. On the program the next few days the cities of Ulm - Magdeburg - Berlin - Magdeburg - Potsdam - Berlin - Ulm. 1 lecture, 3 interesting conversations with people from the Daimler / FS a conference call, a mentoring conversation, a radio interview that the struggle for the recognition of my study work and finally a meeting with my financial Fritzen purpose of international insurance and liability. The whole garnished with a film evening, including NEM delicious red wine on Tuesday with Mrs. S. MD, a martini glass with NEM Fotoanguggeabend with Mrs. A. B, 1-2 fine evenings with Mr. and Mrs. D. & D. in MD, M. & PM or alternatively Mrs. S.), visiting the local cafeteria and SUPPENKASPAR and finally not visit in Potsdam (and associated with brother-sister, of course;))
fix this in mind to bed - 06:48 is the bus to the train at 07:51. Lunch gibbet in BS * happy *
spelling errors are intention:-P

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sell Blood In Florida

10 years - big Jubiläumsgig, today!

from the heading: music and literature.

Today, Saturday the 23rd August 2008 , it is in Elster come in Elsteraner Elbterrassen , to the great Jubiläumsgig the Illiterate .

rock for 10 years, we have the Country.

In the coming days there will be on this blog for some interesting news and stories to the illiterate . To expect in the coming days:

- a band history,
- a review of 10 years Press article about the band,
- a revue to the present Jubiläumsgig,
- the inauguration of the new Illiterate website and
- the description of our new EP " Am I a stone ?".

Our EP will buy it today - the anniversary is also marked the debut appearance of the CD. Order will be the CD on our website, the next week goes online.

We will now accompany " Count Eder " as the opening act, which also charges the last show, their Debütgig.

About our performance was already read yesterday in the Central German newspaper, local paper for Jessen .

We would be glad to welcome as many guests to this wonderful occasion.

The Admission is free for the occasion .

all news soon on this blog.

Illiterate 10 years - 10 years of my life, my work and my passion - 10 Years full of joy, love their loss - 10 years that have made me who I am.

Thanks to my band, my friends, fans, family and friend.

Friday, August 15, 2008

How Do You Make Hot Water Cornbread

Sound of Silence

the new song in the right corner. He is to me yesterday noticed tonight - he was one of many songs that were at my neighbors in the playlist, it was of course equal geyoutubed and then professionally GE-mp3-ed ^ ^
The words: "Let me just say one thing .. . hope you like chocolate, "I was then also brought to my involvement with the wine selection. It was a semi-dry red wine. Very tasty. And most of all fit ginger with chocolate, figs with chocolate, chocolate with chocolate mousse and chocolate with chocolate * * mjam
For starters tomato and mozzarella was served. For dessert there was peach pie. Already ne delicious invention the Americans did there.
got Then I discovered something last night which was really great. A new superstar from the UK - Paul Potts . His character is a shy guy with no confidence and very very bad teeth. It occurred in 2007 Britain's Got Talent and has cleared spontaneously and emerged victorious. A nice summary can be found here . His Voice is amazing. I rarely listen to classical music at the time, especially not from the area of opera singing. But the man has me really excited. Enjoy it:

The hammer was, however, that half an hour after I saw the article about Paul Potts TV, on the same channel (ARD;)) was introduced by advertising. Same vid as above but new pictures pure cut: the jingle and the tuffigen colors fit in the end but not at times but I must say: A successful advertising.

My itunes-gift-card-dealer will be back online, will be added. In addition there is the new album by Tocotronic drummer Arne Zank . Somehow I just buy it found favor one or the other disk again. Slut at it has more than paid off.
Here is a sample:

Sunday, August 10, 2008

How To Make A Homemade Chenille Scarf

Mine Mine Mine

is the latest album from Slut "StillNo1. Bought at 7digital . High Quality and Hertzian DRM-free. a song for 0.79 €. If not all ran to the variant with the U.S. iTunes Store, but the value 50Cent isses me. Especially since it is used to good music:)
What has struck me while writing the song "StillNo1": That is one of two ways and Ways of interpreting. For one: Still Number One. On the other hand: Still No One. ^ ^
And I gibbet bless my neighbors even with their absence the subtle sound now frequently full Dröhnung on the ears * g *
Have a nice Sunday:)
Edit: I'm still really NEN Vid on YouTube : D Have fun:)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Online Robots All The Time

just read in the Sz

"The insanity with the cattle" - an article about it that eat up a vegetarian my food the food - or rather the reverse, but would sound stupid * g *
why I write again in no time instead, such as the Mr. O. promised from M. D.
ad to go to bed the simple reason that I've seen just fix a few comments pages. What are some hard-working hacks had finally shot was: "We do not have enough resources, we are just too many people." HELLO? It's like our Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck announced several years ago even had "not our expenses are too high, but our revenue is too low". Chapeau, Ministre des Finances. The facts enumerated in the said text may well be partially true, that you can use the Kuhgase also efficient for biopower is here concealed pleasure. (Even if I admit that the pigs weeks are not good just to certain statements in the text to refute ^ ^) In addition, there are atm enough food to feed the entire world population. But as long as we strive to keep our prices stable and our Minister of Agriculture has received even just a shaky consensus on milk mountains into existence, it will probably go on for a while so with the simultaneous destruction of food and hunger. But a bright spot to see - after all, there are only 850 million hungry ( Link ) - falling trend. No wonder, hunger has to have some pretty quick death for ... Fortunately, we all agree that climate change only and solely caused by man and is seen over the millions of relatively small natural climate variation is 100-percent excluded. But as long as is
make our Nobel Thoughts on the reusability of Kuhpupe not everything is lost.
Sorry, but this fits right now the song Panda - jeht shit
Sun, and there in the evening hardly something else went and there was a hidden desire of an eager reader, a few greetings in the Lord from H. B. O. ad on cows and oxen - in other words women and men:

Blackheads On One Side Of Face

I want to find

not that you trust me - that would only Rammstein want. Undeniably a good song - but I just want something else. Once buy music again. Then came the somehow "simpler". After the itunes-Acc was set up we went shopping with the release. Now that the funds have been exhausted and a new acquisition is pending, a new gift card her. My distributors of time have sadly just not in stock, so I am in search of a new one. Not so simple as has now been found after 1.5 h of intensive research. To buy goods from American suppliers in Germany may have to btw on an extended search at item location, for example, "United States enter " (can) were. Only enforces the Americans by the super Paypal thoughts completely. No chance ne buy card without this avail * * beep Ten to use service. Ne simple transfer or Visa's would still do it. .. Well, perhaps the Amerikanske seller also noticed just that their buyers totally insolvent and thus unable to pay some and against the generous tax breaks of Mr. "yay I'm still n few months, President Bush can not really help here.
Well, at least the first will probably do with new music. Yes, I could buy in the itunes dt-shop. But why pay when the same 99Eurocent can get for 64Eurocent ...
The savings to invest, for example, then in such a bargain as I have discovered the weekend of Edeka: I am again on the shelf with overseas wines, Department of South Africa, vorbeigeschlendert. I discover in the upmarket granted a fresh set of red wine. Somewhat hidden is one of the somewhat different than the entire 2007 he wines. It's a 2002er Arniston Bay Pinotage / Cinsaut. Even if he should have been the last 5 years there - the risk I am happy to received - and was not disappointed. Up in the decanter he has not done - he was in the glass well ventilated. He seems to have not resented. Full of flavor, fruity and strong in the neck and slightly sour aftertaste. All in all a very tasty drop:)
So, to conclude a great gibbet Vid of Kurt Kroemer - hf.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Digitalplayground Store

and approved

Carolina Cellular Respiration

In silent grief

George Reus - as he was known and admired.

George Reus in the 1980s in his private observatory, about Dorndiel, in Hesse.

One of the planetary nebulae, the George Reus noted in photographs. The image has been published, among other things in "Stars and Space", No. 10, 1987, on page 580th It is "NGC 6720", which at 03 June 1986, the Celestron 14 was recorded.

great sorrow for amateur astro-photographers

In 2003 I met George Reus know when I was invited to the birthday of his granddaughter who is now the wife of my brother.

At that time I was not aware of the great personalities I met German astrophotography. But that night we got to talking and George Reus, who immediately noticed my interest and my own experiences as an amateur astronomer should, in my Invite the Holy of Holies: his own private observatory which he had built on a hill above his home town, Dorndiel .

George Reus himself wrote this in the " Star Observer " No. 4, 1992: " When I moved in 1982 from Bamberg to United Umstadt, I immediately began looking for a suitable location for my observatory and luckily I found this right at the edge of town. I've got a relatively dark sky above me and also possess excellent telescopes, I had immediately turned to a special world of amateur astronomy, taking photographs of planetary nebulae. "

planetary nebulae are very special objects in space. These are structures of gas and plasma, the dying of a star are rejected at the end of its development. The special will include her in comparison to other cosmic objects, whole and not even astronomical age. Only a few ten thousand years ago these nebulae.

you have to do with planet way, nothing, even if this leaves the name suggests. The name originated from the fact that they are viewed through telescopes, gaseous planets are similar.

these objects had George Reus dedicated his free time and as from the day that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in July 1969 entered the moon.

George Reus himself wrote in the "Star Observer " No. 4, 1992: " On the night of 07/21/1969 I came first forays into the sky in customer contact, as Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin become the first man on the moon entered. This performance was for me very impressive. I saw for the first time, as the moon appeared and suddenly I started this to care. In 1971 I bought from a mail order house my first small telescope. "

In the magazine "Stars and Space " No. 3, 1994, he wrote: " When Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin in 1969 entered the moon, most Germans were sitting through the whole night watching TV - including myself. The moon landing had been so impressed that I was convinced that he can spend time with my future in astronomy. My first hand tool for my new hobby was a paperback and a small mail-order telescope. "

in early 1971, he became a member of the" association of amateur astronomers eV , the largest association of amateur astronomers in Germany.

The work of George Reus were highly valued. Thus wrote as the " Interstellarum in November 1994: "George Reus is certainly the most specialized among Germany astrophotographers he photographed. from Schmidt-Cassegrain almost only planetary nebula, but in a quality looking amateur and parallel in the world "with his 14

And" Stars and Space "wrote in the 4 1996 edition: " is no doubt George Reus, who looks back on 25 years of VDS membership, now an international level to the top of the best astrophotographers ."

George Reus , inter alia, in the main astronomy journals " Stars and Space "and the" Star Observer published, "published in 1999, a poster on which the solar eclipse of 11 see August 1999 in 5 phases was (which he recorded with his telescope).

wanted to retire with 65 years George Reus completely from his hobby, for reasons of age and to his new hobby, take pictures of the castles and palaces in the Rheingau, allow more time to.

He began his subscriptions to professional journals quit and left the association of amateur astronomers . However, he

from and returned to his old hobby, such as at 08 June 2004 when he photographed the transit of Venus.

In summer 2007, eventually became the private observatory above Dorndiel dismantled. Here I was also present (at a commission on 31 July 2008 I was able to convince me once again the fact that we had done a great job - the former observatory is nothing more to see).

gave me for the occasion George Reus much of his telescopes and related technology.

George Reus , on 23 Born in December 1938 Gaustadt (in Bamberg ) and was until 1982 in Bamberg lived before moving to Dorndiel moved, died unexpectedly and much too early on 27 July 2008 at age 69 years, the hospital in Darmstadt .

him were his wife Sieglinde , with whom he was married 49 years, his daughter, grandson and his two daughters with men.

The funeral was held on Thursday 31 July 2008 Dorndiel instead.

We mourn one of the most respected astro photographers in the world, a loving husband, loving father, grandfather nice and a good friend.

George Reus was a fantastic and ambitious amateur astronomer and an impressive personality. I will never forget him - his images always leave him alive and the memories of him will always stay awake.

married George Reus with a Bible verse from the first Corinthians, with whom I would like to end this Obituary:

" now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three, but love is the greatest of these ."

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Consumer Reports Air Conditioners

Simplify your life

the new audio book on my ipod.
to Chapter 2, I was reminded today as I am still short after 2100 fixed cycled into the Edeka in the neighboring village. That's right, just after 2100 - the Edeka is about as big as the whole and even open on Saturdays to 2200. Good thing for as short as me resolute. Well
- Now to the point. A point in the said chapter is: "Do you have debt then they talk about it?." To be honest, I did not really debt, but the MRP is slightly in use. The next point is: "Limit your spending to the bare minimum to enjoy the nice feeling to be back soon to be debt-free." Now I had but extra NEN shopping list written by non-lapsing back the many delicious offerings. A point was mjam Martini * *. The cost, however, 5,99 - what should I do so. Just do not shop what's even stood on the docket? Or spend just under 6 Eus for NEN Martini. Yes, that difficult decision. Given the fact that the last ebb in the postage account at least 6 months so I began to think long term. In the long term, this means that I still frequently will face the same decision. Fortunately, there are friends and events to which one remembers such moments you. After a brief JD-typical view it went directly to the 20m long shelf spirits, after a brief orientation was the savior of the misery then displayed on ... * Drum roll * ... GIN . Given a bottle Contado, ice is always in sufficient quantity at home in the freezer;) All in all, may I be allowed to hold more than that I have mastered all tasks successfully with flying colors ^ ^. The fact that today instead
only two pages for the thesis instead of the planned five arose is then only a minor point - at least I've finally started to write.
In this sense - a Cheers> :-)
PS: NO Rächtschraibfählär Mr. O. :-P

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How To Trimalong A Bathtub With Wood

Album Review: A Hard Day's Night

Off section: music and literature.

The Beatles: A Hard Day's Night


Today I would like to present you the review for the third studio album and first great masterpiece of Beatles " A Hard Day's Night .

Album Informationen

- Erscheinungsjahr: 1964
- Künstler: The Beatles
- Albumtitel: „ A Hard Day’s Night
- Record Company: Parlophone Records/ EMI
- Single-Auskopplungen (UK): “ Can’t Buy Me Love / You Can’t Do That ”, “ A Hard Day’s Night / Things We Said Today
- Single-Auskopplungen (US): “ Can’t Buy Me Love / You Can’t Do That ”, “ A Hard Day’s Night / I Should Have Known Better "," I'll Cry Instead / I'm Happy Just To Dance With You "," And I Love Her / If I Fell "
- In the U.S., appeared" A Hard Day's Night "with a modified content. In contrast to the English original was published here only the soundtrack album to the film. This contained the 8 songs on the original British album: "A Hard Day's Night ," "Tell Me Why ", "I'll Cry Instead ", "I'm Happy Just To Dance With You " " I Should Have Known Better "," If I Fell "," And I Love Her "and" Can not Buy Me Love . There were also four instrumental versions, namely: " I Shoul Have Known Better (Instrumental) ", " And I Love Her (Instrumental) ", " Ringo's Theme (This Boy) (Instrumental) " and " A Hard Day's Night (Instrumental) . The 3 songs, "Things We Said Today ," "Any Time At All " and "When I Get Home " published in the United States in 1964 on the album "Something New . "I'll Be Back " first appeared in 1965 on the album "Beatles` 65 "in America. "You Can not Do That " was already in front of "A Hard Day's Night " album in the U.S. appear on the album " The Beatles' Second Album " appeared.


1) "A Hard Day's Night " (Lennon / McCartney)
2) "I Should Have Known Better " (Lennon / McCartney)
3) "If I Fell ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
4.) “ I’m Happy Just To Dance With You ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
5.) “ And I Love Her ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
6.) “ Tell Me Why ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
7.) “ Can’t Buy Me Love ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
8.) “ Any Time At All ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
9.) “ I’ll Cry Instead ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
10.) “ Things We Said Today ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
11.) “ When I Get Home ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
12th) "You Can not Do That " (Lennon / McCartney)
13th) "I'll Be Back " (Lennon / McCartney)


In June 1964 saw the first movie, the Fab Four how Beatles were now known worldwide, showed on the screen.

The film, the Beatles show as authentic as possible and he marketed specifically what the people then thought was the Beatlemania .

The album, which included on the first page of the soundtrack to the film and to a second page presented full of new songs, however, should turn out to be the first milestone, the first masterpiece of the Beatles .

Some particular features of this album: the first time it was an album on which only his own compositions were used (and this is only in 7 of 13 albums of the case - including this album as one of the first 5 albums), also it is the only Beatles album, in which all the songs from the songwriting duo of Lennon - were composed McCartney .

"Let It Be " In addition, it is only " A Hard Day's Night " in which Ringo Starr no song sings. This is probably because only shortly before the album, the EP "Long Tall Sally appeared. Here were represented in addition to the original composition " I Call Your Name , three cover songs:" Long Tall Sally "- with a fantastic rock song of Paul McCartney ," Slow Down "and" Matchbox "- which Ringo Starr sang.

Thus Ringo sang while in the atmosphere to "A Hard Day's Night " a song, but not on the album itself however Starrs influence should be just on the naming this album will not be forgotten.

day we had had more than 12 hours before the camera and one evening we had to leave again on the way to the studios, as Ringo mid-sentence: "It was a hard day ... " remarked that it was out already become dark. He finished with the sentence: "... night. "This was the title for the film, title song and corresponding album was born:" A Hard Day's Night .

The album is the only one in the John Lennon influence dominates. In any other album to the balance of power Lennon - McCartney close to balance. Here, however McCartney had contributed only 3 songs. The majority was Lennon, with 10 songs mainly from his pen.

Nevertheless, even if McCartney has seen only 3 songs on this album, yet all three major blockbuster and quality standard were greater than anything he had offered on the first two albums.

"Can not Buy Me Love " was published in advance (with Lennon's "You Can not Do That " as B-side) as a single. With nearly 1 ½ million pre-orders in England and almost 2 million in the U.S., they walked directly to the show on pole position in both states.

But even more impressive than this rock and roll hit, "were And I Love Her" and "Things We Said Today .

Lennon called " And I Love Her " later than McCartney's first " Yesterday" and indeed this is one of the best ballad the McCartney has ever written.

A sensitive arrangement makes this song stand out from the album. Actually the song is exceeded only by " Things We Said Today . This song, later as a B-side is "A Hard Day's Night " should act single, one of the enigmatic, this time with the Beatles . who

Only two chords, the song that really shows how simple and effective, ultimately music can be.

But Lennon can excel with 2 of his songs quite decided on this album. Since the first title song, the Lennon would allegedly wrote in one single evening to be exactly, that had on the Ringo given his famous quote of himself, and next to the ballad "If I Fell .

" If I Fell" is probably the gentlest and most serious love song ever written the Lennon added.

Carried by the harmony vocals of John and Paul , the Lennon only through his solo use as a songwriter reveals that this song turns out to be one of the pillars of the album and shows how profound and professionally Beatles in mid-1964 were.

is generally characterized the album by the new 12-string Rickenbacker guitar by George Harrison . In addition to "Can not Buy Me Love " he plays it, among other things on "You Can not Do That " and the title song "A Hard Day's Night .

The Opening Chord is an unbeatable and unique brand of song and the Beatles par. This chord of the music critics arguing for decades, heads the second phase of a Beatles song writing.

George Harrison did not own composition, which he was able to make this album and so gave him Lennon " I'm Happy Just To Dance With You " - a powerful dance song, which among other things, the background harmonies lives of Lennon and McCartney .

" I'll Cry Instead " the cynical Lennon shows once more and although the Beatles this song is very well thought could Richard Lester, who as director is not only " A Hard Day's Night " but also made " Hi-Hi-Help (Help) " with the Beatles , but later " How I Won the War with John Lennon and" Get Back "tour movie Paul McCartney , do anything with it.
So " I'll Cry Instead "on the B side of the album down.

"I Should Have Known Better " counts as a highlight of the album and stands next to Lennon's song and Harrison's Rickenbacker and by the harmonica.

With "You Can not Do That " and "Any Time At All has Lennon written, however, two other songs that fit well into the album.

Only " Tell Me Why ," "When I Get Home " and "I'll Be Back " can not the quality of the collected works come close.

" A Hard Day's Night " features five extraordinary, high-quality songs, namely "A Hard Day's Night ", "Can not Buy Me Love ", "And I Love Her " " If I Fell "and" Things We Said Today "and shows how professional and artistically Beatles were back then.

No album before "Rubber Soul " should be so strong and so is "A Hard Day's Night " the most exciting and most valuable album of the first 5 plants, the early phase of the band.

What remains is recommended for all music fans and the Beatles the fans to the great works of the band as " Rubber Soul", " Revolver," "Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club band "and" stiffen The Beatles "and the first pearl of artistic creation often forget or lose sight of. Here the band shows for the first time where it should go in the next few years and what we already viable in that period.

Listen to: "A Hard Day's Night, "" If I Fell "," And I Love Her "," Can not Buy Me Love "," Things We Said Today "

Midfielders: " When I Get Home, "" Tell Me Why "," I'll Be Back "

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How To Luggage Combination

The Illiterate in the studio

from the heading: music and literature.

the weekend it happened: on 19 and 20 July 2008 the Illiterate their new album in Jessen on.

at two long and labor-intensive days, all tracks were recorded. Soon we will be our new CD, put up an EP. To be heard

be: "Am I a stone ", "Do not leave me here ," "Till you're here " and "You're completely out .

In the next two weeks through out the mastering and I hope the end of August this year, we publish the EP can - so to speak, in time for the 10th anniversary of the Illiterate .

top you can see two photos while recording. Figure 1 shows me when importing the rhythm guitar for "Do not leave me here . Figure 2 shows me when playing the rhythm guitar for " Am I a stone? .

In the next few weeks finally go the new site the Illiterate online.

All information about the publication of the website, the publication of EP 10 band anniversary and anniversary gig will be available as usual on this blog.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Audition Masterbation

album review: With The Beatles

from the heading: music and literature.

The Beatles: With The Beatles


Today I would like to present you the review for the second studio album by the Beatles " With the Beatles".

album information

- Year: 1963
- Artist: The Beatles
- Album Title: " With the Beatles "
- Record Company: Parlophone Records / EMI
- single releases (UK) : no
- single releases (U.S.): "All My Loving " (with the B-side "This Boy "), "Roll Over Beethoven / Please Mr. Postman "
- Since the U.S." With The Beatles "did not appear were the songs from Capitol Records / EMI on the two boards" Meet the Beatles "(1964 - 9 Songs of" With The Beatles "plus the single" I Want To Hold Your Hand / This Boy "and the song" I Saw Her Standing There "from debut album" Please Please Me ") and" The Beatles Second Album "(1964 - the remaining five songs from" With The Beatles "not on" Meet the Beatles "was released plus the single" She Loves You / I'll Get You ", the" From Me To You "Single B-side" Thank You Girl, "the two songs" Long Tall Sally "and" I Call Your Name "of" Long Tall Sally "EP, which was not released in the U.S. [the other two songs on this EP -" Slow Down "and" Matchbox "published in 1964 in the U.S. on the album" Something New "] and the song" You Can not Do That "From the English version of" A Hard Day's Night "album - the song did not appear on the American version of" A Hard Day's Night "album) are published.


1) "It Will not Belong " (Lennon / McCartney)
2) "All I've Got To Do " (Lennon / McCartney)
3) "All My Loving "(Lennon / McCartney)
4)" Do not Bother Me "(Harrison)
5)" Little Child "(Lennon / McCartney)
6)" Till There Was You ” (Willson)
7.) “ Please Mr. Postman ” (Dobbins/ Garrett/ Gorman/ Holland/ Bateman)
8.) “ Roll Over Beethoven ” (Berry)
9.) “ Hold Me Tight ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
10.) “ You Really Got A Hold On Me ” (Robinson)
11.) “ I Wanna Be Your Man ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
12.) “ Devil In Her Heart ” (Drapkin)
13.) “ Not A Second Time ” (Lennon/ McCartney)
14.) “ Money (That’s What I Want) "(Bradford / Gordy)


After the success of the first work" Please Please Me "in March 1963, the Beatles published in November 1963 its second strike under the title" With the Beatles ".

Unlike the debut album, the Beatles took samples on "With The Beatles " period, not the singles from the album. Three singles were released in the atmosphere to " With the Beatles'" From Me To You / Thank You Girl, "" She Loves You / I'll Get You "and" I Want To Hold Your Hand / Thank You Girl ".

All three singles are non-integral part of the album and should therefore be treated here at this point any further. However, one must note in advance that the release time was the same and that you have to expect this time in terms of style and songs on this album.

With " I Want To Hold Your Hand " had Beatles wrote their first U.S. number 1 and had thus made the breakthrough permanently in the United States. And music was "From Me To You " and "She Loves You " brilliant achievements have been.

" With the Beatles" would certainly be more interesting and also subsequently been given more attention, they would have built the album around these powerful songs.

The album itself, that in the Rolling Stone ranking of the 500 Greatest Albums of all time, in 2003, landed 420 square (for comparison: "Please Please Me " had room to 39 - were the three Singles that were created in the same period have been used on the album would be listed among the top 100 have been quite realistic), is raised similar to the Predecessors.

It starts with a strong own work. While coming "It Will not Belong " not to the strong opener "I Saw Her Standing There " approach of "Please Please Me ," but he still is one of the best songs of the album.

The end of the album is kept similar to the debut. Ended the first album with the thunderous " Twist And Shout " disappears and the successor with a rousing cover version: " Money (That's What I Want) " - one of the favorite songs of John Lennon - at this time .

On "With The Beatles " has been chosen to a mix of original compositions and cover versions (as on "Please Please Me " in the ratio of 8 to 6).

But never again should the Beatles bow so deeply to black music. The cover versions are, to the musical song "Till There Was You ", sung by McCartney was and an integral part of the live repertoire was American numbers.

Both "Please Mr. Postman " and "You Really Got A Hold On Me " and said "Money "Are classic black music.

"Roll Over Beethoven ," the live actually sung by Lennon has been given to " With the Beatles' George Harrison to . The song, originally by Chuck Berry , rips go wild and reveals a much more assertive Harrison on vocals, as on his first on a plate published Beatles song "Do not Bother Me " which also one of the best songs of the album.

Both "It Will not Belong " and "Do not Bother Me "shows the Beatles in playing mood, and they show that the Beatles were formed, that the music was more important with each piece.

"Hold Me Tight " that actually have to "Please Please Me " included, it was not used, and "All I've Got To Do " show up as solid compositions, but against the two main actors of the album, they can not be maintained.

The songs to it is " With the Beatles" are turning McCartney's "All My Loving " - to the Lennon once said he wished he had written it because it was so successful - and that derived mainly from Lennon " Not A Second Time .

" All My Loving " is clearly one of the strongest Beatles songs on this phase and McCartney had already indicated with " PS I Love You " earlier that year, proved here his songwriting skills .

Better still, the guitar Lennon in the background and the solo from Harrison highlight the song, they make him more than a mid-tempo love number and are already here, where to go the route.

should only half a year later to report back to Beatles with her first film " A Hard Day's Night " and its accompanying album (with the same title), and present their best album of the first 4 to 5 studio works.

"All My Loving " already know this path and also "Not A Second Time " already shows the professionalism - the "A Hard Day's Night " should mark the end.

"Little Child " lives on Lennon's harmonica and the most unusual and colorful game shows on this instrument, on a Beatles plate.

" Devil In Her Heart was Harrison left to sing - which takes over therefore the same for three songs on this album the main vocals - while for Ringo Starr the song" I Want to Be Your Man " remains.

" I Want to Be Your Man " was the beginning of November 1963, about 3 weeks before the release of "With The Beatles " by the Rolling Stones who were then still relatively unknown, gecovert as Single entered the market.

self it took the Beatles too and it published here.

What is a closer look at the work? " With the Beatles " is a part, not the spontaneity and the trailing live feel from its predecessor " Please Please Me " approach and the other, it can achieve the professionalism of the successor " A Hard Day's Night " not yet.

It has a thankless position in the overall structure and loses its luster in the overall view of the publications.

to make things that one does not, the singles of the time packaged with the album.

is Still "With The Beatles " a solid work and it is both a tribute to the stars for which we looked up, the black artists in America, with songs like "Roll Over Beethoven ," "You Really Got A Hold On Me "or" Please Mr. Postman "and a future review on what you yourself did, namely, professional songwriting as the highest level," All My Loving "and" Not A Second Time .

addition, "With The Beatles " with "Do not Bother Me "the first George Harrison song. And by " I Want to Be Your Man " bring the Beatles a song that you had before the Rolling Stones made available and it shows that the future quarrels that arose in the minds of savvy media representatives to this time was not yet existent.

" With the Beatles" is recommended for all who want to understand the history of the Beatles who want to see, how did the way, where the Beatles had to go music.

Listen to: "It Will not Belong " "All My Loving ", "Do not Bother Me ", "Not A Second Time "

Midfielders: " I Want to Be Your Man ," "Devil In Her Heart "

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Where To Gets Nails Done In Brampton

At least 35 dead

it was when Mr. B. D. from U. ad a few minutes before beating wildly attacked by all the tenants on his 16sqm.
triggered the massacre of the type known as fly roommates was an ongoing last 24 hours continuous crawling on all non-covered clothing of the body. First determine the sequence of events
successes, the investigating authorities show tickets from home thanks to the cooperation of Mr. B mode already. According to Mr. B.
has started yesterday afternoon, the space utilization to optimize its Zimemrs. In this sweaty work, he opened the window, completely contrary to the usual custom. The pleasant air from outside, the pride of the new arrangement of 2 desks, a shelf and enjoy a glass of 2006 he left Le Filou Rosé him about it look away that attracted the other fly-proof secure border between the inner and outer space more and more residents from flying Hausen . Occasional crawling, he felt in his own words "only subconsciously disturbing."
After the noodles from yesterday fried luncheon with 3 eggs and it is a result King of Queens had made comfortable, he began to remember how it flies more and more annoying, he constantly had to arms, legs, ears and butt wiggle to the annoying unwanted migrants to shake. Finally he went "the fucking flying so so on the bag" that he desisted from reading "A general quantity discount and supplier selection mixed integer programming model" by Hartmut Stadler to tinker with 4 sheets of A4 paper a striking role and began Amok to run. "At the beginning everything was very simple," says Mr. B. during the testimony. "Since the flies were still in heaps on tables, the floor, the sink or on the high bed. But gradually they became less and less and found it was not quite so simple. Added to this was that the remaining survivors settled mainly on monitor and laptop. This meant that they had to be first startled, in the hope that they get a would look better place to plan beating. "Mr. B. began, according to a survivor on a named paper is a collection of dead, some still struggling to set up carcasses." Throughout the apartment was smeared blood, were flying wings scattered on the ground, it flies half stuck on the high bed and my sister still struggling, he has crushed the head of his impact device, " egeilF_23 sobbed.
Mr. B. apologized, according to the three survivors egeilF_13, egeilF_23 and egeilF_66 for his Unbeherrschheit. He felt very bad, since his outburst was also just happened on a Sunday. That Mr. B. is still at large and wants to pay immediately the outline of his thesis will egeilF_666, daughter of egeilF_66, outrageous and cold-hearted. She now wants to achieve with other affected families from fly fly home a temporary injunction against all the world fly swatters and then submit a class action before the Federal Constitutional Court. "The necessary 1 million. Fliegenfußabdrücke had a population of 36 billion. only in flies home quickly together, "said egeilF_1337.
That in this moment out there just starts to rain and flies per minute on average, 3.6 million die an unnatural death because only seems ironic to be.

too Did you ever a fly killed? Do you feel the punishment of Mr. B. 'needs and what penalty should get Mr. B? If the flies' rights are restricted before the Constitutional? Contributes Fliegenpupe with the general climate warming? Would the use of fly carcasses for production of biofuel ? support
Write to me at ug comments.
your MB


I just wanted to lubricate tasty sandwiches, when I again saw a fly sitting around on the floor. In my hand I had a board, the head of a sick mind. "Suppose I would let the boards fall easily. Whether the fly creates good time to run away?"
No, it does not create. There was NEN loud bang and once again it was less. Now I have to clarify the only question where they come from critters - in fact everything is sealed off. Vlt have over 35 dead flies even before her death pushed even fix a Nümmerchen - this is now the result ^ ^

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Where Can I Buy Morton Tender Quick

successful evening at Wittenberg

The Illiterate Live On Stage in Druzhba in Wittenberg

A managed sweaty band after 3 encores, from left to right: Frank Stanitz (Bass), Marius Kettmann (vocals, rhythm guitar), Benjamin Prautsch (drums), Konrad Kober (song guitar, background vocals)

support act: Count Eder (in her debut appearance)

from the heading: music and literature.

On Saturday 28 June 2008, there was time. The Illiterate live in Wittenberg .

Lange had to wait for us to experience again for several hours at a concert. But the wait was worth it.

The cozy club Druzhba in Wittenberg had filled themselves, as against 22:15 clock Count Eder their Debütgig completed and this punk classic from Germany and England gave the best.

counter clock 23:15 it was done: The Illiterate Live.

bids were 12 songs from our program. Original songs from ballads like "Do not leave me here " and "Till you're here " on uptempo numbers like " Traffic" and "What's when love is a lie " to rockers like " Until the end of time "and" You're completely out "which ended the show with clock 00:15.

Of course, were also stage classics such as " Am I a stone? "and" Here's my heart "that may be missing with no Illiterate gig.

With" Never again "was also a Illiterate listed classics live, which for about three years ago not to do more live was.

But so simple we could go raging and partying crowd crowd not.

After an instrumental and the song " Any other way " in which we were accompanied actively by the singing crowd once again left the stage, was not aware that there was still no end so well.

Only after two more encores, we were a fantastic evening . End

The audience was fantastic and made the evening a very special experience. In addition, many friends and families of the band present.

I would like to thank again the organizers of this show proved once again the courage to go down to the art scene in Wittenberg not leave.

also for the catering we would like to thank you again. The drinks and the delicious food made us endure the ever rising heat on the stage.

Even with Sommi I want to thank again. Thanks for the good performance of Count Eder (we are in this year more gigs deny shared) and thank you for the transportation of the art.

Thanks also to my friend, the wonderful Izzy that made me cautious about the show and then home. Through you, the evening was even more beautiful to me.

Many thanks also to my parents: it was nice to see you at the gig.

And of course many thanks to our fans, "You are the reason for us to make appearances and with such an audience as you, I can imagine nothing more wonderful and more exciting than to play for you again soon. About

upcoming performances, as always in time I will report here on my blog.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

What Will Medicare Pay For

Album Review: Please Please Me

from the heading: music and literature.

The Beatles: Please Please Me announced


As noted in this blog, I'll present you in the coming months, reviews the 13 Beatles studio albums. The reviews are mine.

We begin today with the Beatles debut album "Please Please Me .

album information

- Release Year: 1963
- Künstler: The Beatles
- Albumtitel: „ Please Please Me
- Record Company: Parlophone Records/ EMI
- Single-Auskopplungen (UK): „ Love Me Do / P.S. I Love You “, „ Please Please Me / Ask me Why
- Single-Auskopplungen (US): “ Please Please Me / Ask Me Why ”, “ I Saw Her Standing There ” (B-Seite von “ I Want To Hold Your Hand ”), “ Please Please Me ” (mit der B-Seite “ From Me To You ”), " Twist And Shout / There's A Place ", " Do You Want To Know A Secret " (with the B-side " Thank You Girl "), " Love Me Do / PS I Love You "
- Since the U.S." Please Please Me "did not appear were the songs from Capitol Records / EMI on the two boards" Introducing ... The Beatles "(Version A 1963 - with the single" Love Me Do / PS I Love You "but without the single" Please Please Me / Ask Me Why ", Version B 1964 - with the single "Please Please Me / Ask Me Why" but without the single "Love Me Do / PS I Love You ") and "The Early Beatles " (1965) published .


1) "I Saw Her Standing There " (McCartney / Lennon)
2) " Misery" (McCartney / Lennon)
3) " Anna (Go To Him ) "(Alexander)
4)" Chains "(Goffin / King)
5)" Boys "(Dixon / Farrell)
6.) “ Ask Me Why ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
7.) “ Please Please Me ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
8.) “ Love Me Do ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
9.) “ P.S. I Love You ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
10.) “ Baby It’s You ” (David/ Williams/ Bacharach)
11.) “ Do You Want To Know A Secret ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
12.) “ A Taste Of Honey ” (Scott/ Marlow)
13.) “ There’s A Place ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
14.) “ Twist And publish shout "(Medley / Russell)


When the Beatles" Please Please Me "in March 1963, nobody could have guessed that the most important and wegweisenste band of rock and Pop history, had presented her debut.

In the run were the two singles " Love Me Do / PS I Love You " and " Please Please Me / Ask Me Why " was published, both by the author team John Lennon / Paul McCartney had been written .

On this debut album, the title still appeared under the symbol McCartney / Lennon - this should change as the successor "With The Beatles " which was published in November 1963. From then on, should the team of authors Lennon / McCartney hot and go down in history books. been

After the Beatles of George Martin that should help shape than the producer Beatles sound crucial, offered after audition in autumn 1962, a record contract, they met to receive the debut single.

As Ringo Starr could not convince the producers, this was the final recording session at a studio musician, Alan White, on drums. In a later session, the song was once played with Ringo Starr on drums. Which version appeared finally is controversial to this day even among fans.

Also " PS I Love You " was made with Alan White on drums - and Ringo Starr on tambourine and the maracas.

" Love Me Do" is influenced primarily by John Lennon harmonica (also in ' Please Please Me "takes a leading role). A 17th place was the debut single in England in it.

The B-side "PS I Love You " proved already in this early phase of the band, what skills ballads Schreiber Paul McCartney was .

The first number 1 of the Beatles should be their second single "Please Please Me . Here, too, was added an impressive ballad "Ask Me Why .

The debut album needed in addition to the four already completed and published songs for 10 more songs (it was at that time in England customary to publish to 14 songs on one album).

On 11 February 1963 was recorded the album in 12 hours, virtually live in the Abbey Road Studios . Actually George Martin had intended to include the entire album live in the Cavern Club .

The pieces by the Beatles lectured on their debut was also their usual repertoire Live from the Cavern Club .

was chosen for 8 originals and 6 covers.

The highlights of the album were, in addition to the singles "Love Me Do / PS I Love You "And" Please Please Me / Ask Me Why "clearly the McCartney / Lennon number" I Saw Her Standing There "that should be the opener of the plate, and the culmination of debut work " Twist And Shout " by Medley and Russell .

Both songs are pure rock 'n' roll and show that both Paul McCartney (song singer of "I Saw Her Standing There ") and John Lennon (song by singer " Twist And Shout ") good Rock singer were.

" Twist And Shout " invited by John Lennon voice so much from which it was attached to the end of the recording day. Had to sit in one take everything. can

addition, "I Saw Her Standing There " - that one of the first joint works Lennon / McCartney was (and also showed the influence of John Lennon's on Paul McCartney's Texterei - because McCartney had " She was just 17, never been a beauty queen ... " written and Lennon's influence made it "She was just 17, you know what I mean ... ) - arguable.

How much Lennon " I Saw Her Standing There " estimated, although he was not the song singer, was when he the song on his last live performance in winter 1974 to the stage with Elton John , in Madison Square Garden in New York , once again performed. (See especially, the influence of "Alice in Wonderland
" to be later below)
also Lennon's penchant for fairy tales and mythical stories is even at this early stage of the creative creative Band appreciably.

" Do You Want To Know A Secret " is inspired by Snow White . Lennon's mother Julia had always the song "Wishing Well " sung from the Disney film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs " from the cradle and the statement so rooted deeply in it.

Both Lennon affinity for fairy tales and the fixation on his mother, should forms in later periods of the Beatles (and also in Lennon's solo works) further show here already beginning to bear fruit.

was however left to the song ultimately George Harrison as a singer who can be from this song one of the most sentimental and most of the album.

In There's A Place "shows Lennon a first time, where he retires, if he is dissatisfied with the world: in his head. Later he was to return with such images, particularly from the "Revolver " time. But shows at this early artistic phase Lennon that he was more than just a rock singer, who recited a few love songs.

All in particular, outweigh the Lennon / McCartney songs and also the quality of their recordings is better than the cover versions.

Only " Misery" comes close not quite reach the quality of the other original compositions. Actually written for Helen Shapiro , took the Beatles the number on even after they had rejected the song.

takes Besides these songs Harrison voice in the song "Chains " and Ringo Starr allowed to " Boys" to the mike.

In "A Taste of Honey "was McCartney's doubled voice and it appears the song, despite the rush there was, after all, they took on a whole album in one day that the Beatles also were playing here and always willing to experiment outside the box watch out - a characteristic that only 2 ½ years later, move on "Rubber Soul " to new heights.

" Anna (Go To Him) " faded like "Misery " a little against the strong points of the album, while "Baby It's You " completely in their own songs incorporates.

Besides these songs actually have " How Do You Do It? Date "by Murray and the original composition" Hold Me Tight "was, but found no use.
" How Do You Do It? "was produced by George Martin as an alternative to" Please Please Me "as the second single taken to the race because he was not convinced as the producer of the second single. The Beatles recorded the song on - they said they vehemently opposed it. In the end you worked so long on "Please Please Me " until Martin disagreed.

" How Do You Do It? "was written by the Beatles never published (for fans was the first recording with the release of" Anthology 1 "audible) but was at last a No. 1 on the UK charts for Gerry and the Peacemakers .

"Hold Me Tight " had not wanted to get finished and rejected like the song during the 12-hour session. He was later taken up again in the same year and on the following album "With The Beatles published.

The debut album by the Beatles - the 2003 No. 39 of the 500 greatest albums of all time by Rolling Stone magazine reached were available, - is a strong beginning, a rock 'n' roll album ("I Saw Her Standing There "," Twist And Shout "), which also sentimental and sensitive songs (" Do You Want To Know A Secret "," PS I Love You ") and forward-looking elements (" There's A Place "," A Taste Of Honey come up ") can.

A successful first works, certainly by the creativity, the band developed especially 1965-1968, is not among the best in the band, but just out of the historical background is perfectly out of styles and music.

to recommend the album all Beatles fans and all those who the Beatles want to know when the band they were when they were discovered.

Listen to: "I Saw Her Standing There ", "Twist And Shout ", " Do You Want To Know A Secret ", "Please Please Me " " PS I Love You "

Midfielders: " Chains, "" Misery "

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Do Surenos Get Along With Crips

illiterate live in Wittenberg

from the heading: music and literature.

This Saturday, the 28th June 2008 that Illiterate will finally see again Live on Stage.

the club Druzhba in Lutherstadt Wittenberg finds the June event held in 2008 .
The Druzhba
can be found in the Halle Straße 32 .

entry: clock 21:00.

starts against clock 22:00 our support act: Count Eder .

We present Count Eder, a punk group from Wittenberg who complete their Debütgig. We know the band members for years, and from fans of the Illiterate created their own creative band that you should not miss.
can counter clock 23:00 then Illiterate experience in well-known form. Be enchanted by the new stage show and see that the marriage of rock is not over, but the results still fine and live rock is listed.

We would be delighted if you too will find its way to this concert.

Admission is € 3 .

A recap of the performance you will see the connection as usual on this blog.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Harley Ultra Handlebars

memory of the victims of the 17 . do Beatles record review

from the heading: military history.

Today 55 years ago it was in the former GDR to a popular uprising. It was the first popular uprising in the former Soviet bloc or Warsaw Pact in the field of .

The uprising was the Soviet military and the People's Police the DDR on 17th June after martial law was imposed, bloodily.

This resulted in more than 50 deaths.

This would also like to commemorate the victims of the uprising.

No man has the right to take the life of another, and no state has the right to imprison his people and to prohibit the mouth.

May we remember the victims and hope that such events in our country always belong to the past.