Saturday, July 26, 2008

Consumer Reports Air Conditioners

Simplify your life

the new audio book on my ipod.
to Chapter 2, I was reminded today as I am still short after 2100 fixed cycled into the Edeka in the neighboring village. That's right, just after 2100 - the Edeka is about as big as the whole and even open on Saturdays to 2200. Good thing for as short as me resolute. Well
- Now to the point. A point in the said chapter is: "Do you have debt then they talk about it?." To be honest, I did not really debt, but the MRP is slightly in use. The next point is: "Limit your spending to the bare minimum to enjoy the nice feeling to be back soon to be debt-free." Now I had but extra NEN shopping list written by non-lapsing back the many delicious offerings. A point was mjam Martini * *. The cost, however, 5,99 - what should I do so. Just do not shop what's even stood on the docket? Or spend just under 6 Eus for NEN Martini. Yes, that difficult decision. Given the fact that the last ebb in the postage account at least 6 months so I began to think long term. In the long term, this means that I still frequently will face the same decision. Fortunately, there are friends and events to which one remembers such moments you. After a brief JD-typical view it went directly to the 20m long shelf spirits, after a brief orientation was the savior of the misery then displayed on ... * Drum roll * ... GIN . Given a bottle Contado, ice is always in sufficient quantity at home in the freezer;) All in all, may I be allowed to hold more than that I have mastered all tasks successfully with flying colors ^ ^. The fact that today instead
only two pages for the thesis instead of the planned five arose is then only a minor point - at least I've finally started to write.
In this sense - a Cheers> :-)
PS: NO Rächtschraibfählär Mr. O. :-P


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