Saturday, August 2, 2008

Carolina Cellular Respiration

In silent grief

George Reus - as he was known and admired.

George Reus in the 1980s in his private observatory, about Dorndiel, in Hesse.

One of the planetary nebulae, the George Reus noted in photographs. The image has been published, among other things in "Stars and Space", No. 10, 1987, on page 580th It is "NGC 6720", which at 03 June 1986, the Celestron 14 was recorded.

great sorrow for amateur astro-photographers

In 2003 I met George Reus know when I was invited to the birthday of his granddaughter who is now the wife of my brother.

At that time I was not aware of the great personalities I met German astrophotography. But that night we got to talking and George Reus, who immediately noticed my interest and my own experiences as an amateur astronomer should, in my Invite the Holy of Holies: his own private observatory which he had built on a hill above his home town, Dorndiel .

George Reus himself wrote this in the " Star Observer " No. 4, 1992: " When I moved in 1982 from Bamberg to United Umstadt, I immediately began looking for a suitable location for my observatory and luckily I found this right at the edge of town. I've got a relatively dark sky above me and also possess excellent telescopes, I had immediately turned to a special world of amateur astronomy, taking photographs of planetary nebulae. "

planetary nebulae are very special objects in space. These are structures of gas and plasma, the dying of a star are rejected at the end of its development. The special will include her in comparison to other cosmic objects, whole and not even astronomical age. Only a few ten thousand years ago these nebulae.

you have to do with planet way, nothing, even if this leaves the name suggests. The name originated from the fact that they are viewed through telescopes, gaseous planets are similar.

these objects had George Reus dedicated his free time and as from the day that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in July 1969 entered the moon.

George Reus himself wrote in the "Star Observer " No. 4, 1992: " On the night of 07/21/1969 I came first forays into the sky in customer contact, as Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin become the first man on the moon entered. This performance was for me very impressive. I saw for the first time, as the moon appeared and suddenly I started this to care. In 1971 I bought from a mail order house my first small telescope. "

In the magazine "Stars and Space " No. 3, 1994, he wrote: " When Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin in 1969 entered the moon, most Germans were sitting through the whole night watching TV - including myself. The moon landing had been so impressed that I was convinced that he can spend time with my future in astronomy. My first hand tool for my new hobby was a paperback and a small mail-order telescope. "

in early 1971, he became a member of the" association of amateur astronomers eV , the largest association of amateur astronomers in Germany.

The work of George Reus were highly valued. Thus wrote as the " Interstellarum in November 1994: "George Reus is certainly the most specialized among Germany astrophotographers he photographed. from Schmidt-Cassegrain almost only planetary nebula, but in a quality looking amateur and parallel in the world "with his 14

And" Stars and Space "wrote in the 4 1996 edition: " is no doubt George Reus, who looks back on 25 years of VDS membership, now an international level to the top of the best astrophotographers ."

George Reus , inter alia, in the main astronomy journals " Stars and Space "and the" Star Observer published, "published in 1999, a poster on which the solar eclipse of 11 see August 1999 in 5 phases was (which he recorded with his telescope).

wanted to retire with 65 years George Reus completely from his hobby, for reasons of age and to his new hobby, take pictures of the castles and palaces in the Rheingau, allow more time to.

He began his subscriptions to professional journals quit and left the association of amateur astronomers . However, he

from and returned to his old hobby, such as at 08 June 2004 when he photographed the transit of Venus.

In summer 2007, eventually became the private observatory above Dorndiel dismantled. Here I was also present (at a commission on 31 July 2008 I was able to convince me once again the fact that we had done a great job - the former observatory is nothing more to see).

gave me for the occasion George Reus much of his telescopes and related technology.

George Reus , on 23 Born in December 1938 Gaustadt (in Bamberg ) and was until 1982 in Bamberg lived before moving to Dorndiel moved, died unexpectedly and much too early on 27 July 2008 at age 69 years, the hospital in Darmstadt .

him were his wife Sieglinde , with whom he was married 49 years, his daughter, grandson and his two daughters with men.

The funeral was held on Thursday 31 July 2008 Dorndiel instead.

We mourn one of the most respected astro photographers in the world, a loving husband, loving father, grandfather nice and a good friend.

George Reus was a fantastic and ambitious amateur astronomer and an impressive personality. I will never forget him - his images always leave him alive and the memories of him will always stay awake.

married George Reus with a Bible verse from the first Corinthians, with whom I would like to end this Obituary:

" now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three, but love is the greatest of these ."


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