Friday, February 19, 2010

Windows 7 For Presario V6000

religion in 2nd life

Thomas Herrmann would probably call the network Find of the week, I thought it was just a very interesting idea: A Christian can be an atheist to conclude an agreement which states that the atheist takes care of a pet of the Christians, if Jesus Christ within 10years after the contract comes back to earth and his to get into the kingdom of heaven brings. (For more information, I refer to this location on the homepage of the service: ).
I think the idea is very original and have it immediately tweeted my followers love.
But instead of (at least) one retweets was a response from @ kjgkhs , a South Korean, obviously bible solid young man
For the not so biblical fixed I have the whole looked at times . The 84-he gives Luther translation of Matthew 24, verse 35 and 36 are "35 Heaven and earth will pass away; but my words shall not pass away. 36 But of that day and hour no one knows kjgkhs even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. "

Thank @ for the refresh of my knowledge. The would-be business mathematics in me now wonders:? Is it worth investing What is the expected value of my investment option $ 110 for the first animal and $ 15 for each another is the affordable price I think the only problem in the calculation of the expected benefits is the Bestrimmen. the probability for the second coming of the Lord. The maximum loss is the first animal for $ 110, payment immediately provided.
Now I had this semester, a seminar entitled: "Dynamic Optimization - Investment under Uncertainty" To take the book too short together: Is it worth it for me when I say "invest now - Yes or No" with my decision another unit of time (say one year) wait? If I expect the second coming of Jesus in the first 10.5 years, should I wait at least another year with my deposit of $ 110. When I see him first in 16 years, expect me yet,, the result of the above Bible quote examples, but I'm not so sure soltle now pay $ 220 for the next 20 years for me yet at the same time the (still) cheap dollar to secure from 1.36 € / $, for 1.50 € / $ of the course will probably not come in the medium term - Greece et al. Thank ^ ^
fact that my blog had been before the publication of posts already visiting from Saudi Arabia to mean anything now - OR? ;-) To


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