Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Man's Snowmobile Salvage

Live sucks V

latest after this date should be Richard Dawkins book "The God Delusion" is my new Bible, he founded were, the divine nonexistence
As far as I could but still no go -. but I think at least once has this guy just has a quite perverse vein ...

belongings with my move to car sharing . de NEN girl found what was on the same tag by Nuremberg move to Bernburg. Perfect.
Have it all organized, NEN new Transportation organized so that it fits with pure stuff, time schedule set up, ready me erklärtmit one-and unload, and drive off in the morning by 5.
writes today that she does not move them yet. Yes exactly, they did not write that it does not move with me but that it moves not at all - NEXT WEEK TUESDAY.
Say Trulla still okay?
Now I have my contacts in the local group used less and NEN MB Vito organized by Avis. The nice man was about to terminate immediately, I wolltmir by the count, but again shortly. When I then 5 minutes later calls the thing is gone. Well, Mr. B., which is what gets us pretty fix - hättense you lalalala
So I'll continue searching tomorrow so ....
So, I placement now the server and then go home to prepare for tomorrow ...
Rinjebounced kinners.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Where Can I Buy A Star Wars Waffle Maker

Live sucks sucks IV

Yes, there is no end.
suckt it still do it properly. Since Pork and Beans by Weezer can not change it.
How is it?
Well, after my model was finally correctly it was time to implement and deliver results. That is
customize the software still alittle bit the customer demands, generate databases and optimize for the 8-core blade you're worth. My Supervisor has given me kindly, additional capacity at his university. The plan was that Wednesday night all the results are ready and they can be presented Thursday at the client - and we were good at the time:)
Then came this evening. Students have been: Software rechecked and revised Chapter 3 of the DA (in the last few nights I was 1 and 2 terminate already successfully: D)
Then I watch more precisely, the database and see that our products are been delivered in containers, but the latter neither weight nor dimensions and thus also have no volume. Great fool, if I want to optimize the filling of a truck. The whole was a change in particular the software I had ordered, it was implemented correctly, however I have a special this tiny change is not made explicit and checked again underestimated the impact on the big picture. Sun Kam because we now have 24 hour period all have to expect again. Greetings to the server - which is NOT fun for you ^ ^
After I had washed down the knowledge with a glass of for special (emergency) cases waiting Loch Lomond Single Malt went's to the machines, there was definitely NEN Kippchen the window due. So out of two houses is more so NEN machine. And on my street were cars - one of which was a golf III - with interior lighting in because the door was not too correct. So I was the savior of the poor people, the "on foot to work" saves. And if now who says that everything was coincidence then I'll thump him - and> strong: -0
And if that does not help then he can be happy Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion from me. I'd like to get back but. wants the book is definitely one where I always stand ready to hand in my bookcase have:) to part

Cya V

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How To Replace Graco Snugride Cover

Live sucks III

What can I say - now it was just more like the days before that .
wanted to go to nem interview in Stuttgart. Actually, no problem - Are indeed in the group pre-fabricated for all practices and recommendations for action ^ ^
So with the car rental between two sites: For internal traffic, I was already logged in, I have therefore only to the intranet go to reserve NEN cars and pure sit down then.
Until you can sit and I am yet come - the PIN-entering has gefunzt yet, the radio was still on - and off again. Looked suspiciously empty battery. Seems good to those who have not heard the beep that sounds when you leave the car while the light is still burning ...
Have I therefore the competent person called competence, which was of course just with a different Panne employs promised, but in 3 minutes to recall it. It was, of course, 10 - now it was then 10:30 - so one more hour to get to Stuttgart-Moehringen. According no problem, but the highway on the section regularly overcrowded.
The fear that the tank is almost empty, has also been found to be unnecessary, I have the fuel gauge just from the wrong side of reading - the tank was almost full, almost non-empty * Hmph *
On the way back I then a car which had caught while NEN radio, but you have not notice much of the music because the roof so leaky that it was at the 170km / h just firm has whistled loudly .... After all, the A8
was reasonably free time so I still had to have new passport photos do - the other (freshly made) are still in the wallet ...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Herpes On The Nose Images

Live sucks II

what I forgot in the heat of writing:
Dtld During my trip was my dear flatmate times made fun of my room into the net to attract tenants NEN. There have also spontaneously about 60 people in 3 days ^ ^ A report was particularly active then so afraid that he got NEN Appointment - at the home of her because I was not even there ...
your room liked him very well - probably the fear was added in the next Weeks nothing else to be found. So he can fax the lease agreement and signed by the landlord fix. Whether he had in mind that the room is just to have when bunk bed, mattress, shelving and a desk against a negotiated amount to be taken over, I doubt it. After a phone call ehendlosen with the same phrases again and again his hand and repeats the same sense and explanatory excesses - his hand again - we have agreed on 250 (instead of 300) Eus. He wanted to again think about whether it is acceptable for the price and get back in 3 days (ie last Friday) by telephone. O-Ton: "We will agree on the price already." The loft bed, he will indeed not be left unchallenged, if he would cut it at ground level. I do not care - I'm selling it as it is, and nichzt in the condition it will be after my statement - that a discount because he wants to cut the bed and the legs so now obviously not needed ...
So far so good. Then
me a lot that the mattress is only 110x200, not necessarily presuppose a bed of 150x200. So I wrote him that I would be willing to renegotiate the price or mattresses to give him the right to buy that he must not make. Instead, he came back that would take only a desk and shelf - it can not use bed. Great - top notch I thought. I must therefore still to a bigger truck Rent, or get rid of that stuff somehow. But if he does not want the high bed, he can not get a desk and shelf - even if I'm going to get both and never again 80 € - but since then but I'm alittle bit peculiar. Jaja vlt, even bitchy - I do not care. He's gets at least not piecemeal. Basta.
Tired, pissed off and I come today with a headache nu home at night - in anticipation of many pleasant hours with my DA * cough * As looks the pretty face of my roommate from the room and announced: He has called. ER not see why he should buy everything - after all, is not in the contract. ER * 19-20 * Call again aufdieuhrschau And I had just on the way from the bus to my little room resigned everything to him and not to sell me my chances on ebay be served .... Well, We'll see what to come out - vlt's it yes for NEN third part * gg *
OK, I can now even women miss - but I want the Lord MH from BS still given the opportunity to publish a guest article *, hint wink *
So, I cook my first NEN green tea. And should I make Logh out as well - only brings a bad idea. He prefers "not Live is a Remedy" Slut with:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Soul Eater English Translated Doujinshi

Live I

As it is now almost always not more worthwhile to go to sleep I can just> get rid of even more: -0 After
has now been found, not even the empty shell of my purses , I'm busy here to get anything new or expensive to buy * Hmph *
Today was during the lunch break, the license to it. I had this morning packed the last extra passport photograph and the brand-new biometric passport and benchmark security is required with all documents for a successful working day at work unpacked. This thoughtlessness much to me, of course, only when I stood before the Lord in the musty quality muffle driving license office. 35Eus for the new FS, 16 international for the FS - and of course you can not use this one and the same passport photograph. may provide a scanner in the dusty office to the expected 9 billion people in more tax revenue not expect. Instead, you take on better guarantees for himself down economize banks ... Oh, and the round-trip cost me 3.60 weil. course .. exactly - A monthly pass is in the wallet. Just like the TAN-list for an account. A new card can only order that is who enters a valid TAN * rolf * Fees received it appears that 15 is a magic number to be:
7.50 for blocking of the card for the new card + 7,50 € = 15
The request for a new BanCard: 15 €
processing of refund for the purchase of non-discounted tickets (and ticket lost because BC50 shcon posted): 15 €. Fortunately, the trip from Berlin to Ulm is so expensive that it "pays" to pay the 15 Eus. The train is actually always checked at least 3 times, each conductor will always see the BC50. Only this time, when I came here had no BC50 1 (in words: ONE) conductor, who did not even see the BC.
That reminds me somehow the song just one: Panda - jeht shit. HF
When I got myself looking deeper into the cost of one-way rental of a van and the cost of the visa application for the visa, the entry into the Homeland Security Database, insurance ... blah blah ... expected to have to cancel then I did spontaneously paintball games. react 40Eus for 3 hours but is NEN good price, but only if you must pay in red euros ^ ^
And when there is still the competence team at T-Systems left miserably down to is almost done knitting

OK, the local car company is not a Christian union - that was so specifically a church founded T-division, with flat top to. Calls are of course only for 9 instead of the usual 18 months recorded and used solely for improving service * cough * should this really be known that the elderly gentleman at the other end of the line does not rely on such trivial means such as physical data storage. But what we already know - one of us knows not even so the difference between Immaculate Conception and virgin birth . It can do both with one and the same person can be related - that Mary, the mother of Jesus, not the woman here.
But sometimes it seems too good to my life with me. The GACC, when I apply for my J1 has advised me of me "... one of the leading international assurances AIG ... to insure "(health, accident, liability insurance). After I had met again at my last Dtld trip with my financial Fritzen I decided myself to insure. At the current dollar rate is . which is a zero sum game But in the months to a strengthening of the dollar is expected to be used in Dtld insurance policy taken out cheaper I also had to read today that AIG is indeed quite large, but has also at least as big problems .. - and not just since yesterday
Btw -. automatic cookie on your time from -acceptance, or it is so that you will always be asked if a NEN site wants to set a cookie - you will not get out of the click. This is really frightening - even the (dynamic) bookmarks always want what Cook ^ ^
So - all is once again became confused and dissolute than planned - but never mind. Those who do not's fits that can even write to the comments : P
And because it's purely fits times not at all a piece of my playlist:
Funny van Dannen - Herzscheiße

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Man Ejaculates At Camera

Live Illiterate - Illiterate Labrune Family

from the heading: music and literature.

This Saturday, the 06th September 2008 play the Illiterate Live the Family in Labrun (at Prettin).

The day is marked by events such as the THW, the Bundeswehr, the German Red Cross, the volunteer fire department, etc. who want to pass along to young people new perspectives and are also charged .

There will be a great program and the evening is rounded off with music.

Live on stage will be available from 19 clock to experience the illiterate.

Take advantage of this opportunity in the late summer of the year - we are looking forward to many well-known but also new faces.

a review to the gig, as always, then it will be read on this blog and on

Monday, September 1, 2008

Specialized Dolce Comp

Good morning world

I have washed, ironed, GE-icq-ed cleaned up, sorted paper, backpack packed ... And
noted that it is extremely impractical suit and shirts can be transported into it. I have always wanted to NEN case, but oh well how this is so, no money, no desire, no need. But in 2 months I'll probably need one ^ ^
thought 4GB is not enough to NEM ipod from all music genres take likely. But it did fit: Here is a summary.
From my unsorted folder and the new music (mostly from Jamendo ) I fixed two random lists handicrafts, ma behold what's inside * gg *

the wealth of music, I'll also use can. On the program the next few days the cities of Ulm - Magdeburg - Berlin - Magdeburg - Potsdam - Berlin - Ulm. 1 lecture, 3 interesting conversations with people from the Daimler / FS a conference call, a mentoring conversation, a radio interview that the struggle for the recognition of my study work and finally a meeting with my financial Fritzen purpose of international insurance and liability. The whole garnished with a film evening, including NEM delicious red wine on Tuesday with Mrs. S. MD, a martini glass with NEM Fotoanguggeabend with Mrs. A. B, 1-2 fine evenings with Mr. and Mrs. D. & D. in MD, M. & PM or alternatively Mrs. S.), visiting the local cafeteria and SUPPENKASPAR and finally not visit in Potsdam (and associated with brother-sister, of course;))
fix this in mind to bed - 06:48 is the bus to the train at 07:51. Lunch gibbet in BS * happy *
spelling errors are intention:-P