Sunday, October 3, 2010

Catholic Colors Of Faith Meaning

Marathon Manager

Manufacturer: Ubi Soft
Appeared: 2005
hardware: 2 GHz CPU, 256 MB Ram, 64 MB graphics card, 600 MB HDD space
Rating: 2 / 10
PSP : From 0

test environment:
Pentium 4, 2.8 GHz, has 1 GB Ram, Geforce 6200 (Smooth)
AMD Turion X64, 512 MB Ram, ATI Radeon 1100 Mobile (Smooth)

Manager games, it's like sand served at sea, especially Popular sports are football, hockey, football, basketball, baseball. But smaller sports such as rugby and cricket are supplied with such games, is itself a manager for the popular Australian Lacrosse it. But the program a company a manager for a marathon runner, here it was distributed by Ubi Soft Geronimo is then still a novelty and strange enough to show up here.

addition to the options and the participant, the game offers simple to run and a career. The difference is simple. For the simple term one chooses a runner and a track and then simply run it. Here, even the first mood killer comes to wear. Ubi Soft did not have money to invest so that there are no original name. Well, that can, however, get over pretty well, or knows someone of the inclined blog readers a friend Marathon runner? Each runner has their own strengths and weaknesses in the areas of endurance, speed, technology, and Sprint. Although there are various body sizes and weights, but this is the game of no importance.

The choice between the 15 marathons, while accepting the first time from large, but the differences are quite small, although the designers of the tracks have quite the sights missed the cities, there are eg in Cologne, the Cologne Cathedral, or in Vienna Ferris Wheel but the route is not the original tracks. But that's actually relatively little, or knows who the original tracks?

Nor can the weather set itself, only has the basically no impact, there is even dynamic weather, it can under an overcast sky to start raining quite times, but this is just decoration.

the actual game you will kill the first time various windows. But let's start with the graphics environment. Trist it applies here quite well, plate textures, ugly spectators, ugly and stiff-looking runner. Seemingly, they had given the amount of runners here to make some compromises. After all, the program quite well by 1000 (!) Iterations. The key here is, of course, the player status, here we see the heart rate and can "force" that is invested divided 000-100 Free. The less the less hard at the runner, but does too much effort that the heart rate shoots up and the runner will automatically slow down. Also three food are available, this is really simple "power booster". These can specify whether the runner should hold the position, speed or sprinting. Here it is simply the balance between speed and power consumption associated with. If, however, even this one has it can be applied to each run and each runner.

This is also the problem of "Marathon Manager" is more than not to do it. Say you do basically the same in every race. Whether the route now Cologne, Hamburg and Vienna makes absolutely no difference. Fortunately, the developers have thought of all the conditions of a time acceleration. In fact, because no one would have the 2-6 (!) Spend hours in front of the computer or optional on the toilet, kitchen or basement, for more than a few clicks requires the race not even in fast motion, the maximum comfortable way possible.

That leaves the manager mode. For this purpose, one must create a player profile, and also a player character. However, the changes here anyway no impact on the game, no matter how body type, source or beard is. In contrast to the single race, it is here for the individual log marathons in the racing calendar, which is of course a cost. This training is designed to more or less even. However, even rudimentary by distributing 12 action points. Although there are trainers or doctors to set it through the narrow office at the beginning, the only leads quickly to bankruptcy. Moreover, it is not advisable to make two marathons in a row, because it takes quite two months recovery. Also commercial contracts must be sought. The problem is here, the races are always the same, find the right division of power and "boost" the same as in the individual competition, and can be reached with a weak runner appropriate placements, the sponsors satisfied.

But here's the problem, finding sponsors is random, it requires a very early start to places that are not reached, or you can find just none at all. And once that happens and you just forget the whole career. In addition, you also need Marathon will not be charged join in, interrupting the game well for 2-3 minutes. This is incredibly annoying music, and otherwise barely existing sound.


About as exciting as watching a marathon on TV. Technically, however, from the looks better. Then there is the problem that the manager mode is completely random subject and one often enough can start from scratch even though we basically Nothing has gone wrong. At least the developers have thought of a time-lapse function. Basically, the game is also nothing wrong it's just boring to manage a marathon runner. The better alternative is sure to bring some good walking shoes and bring even the monitor tanned body on the run course. To run training, I recommend the welfare children live album "Between Image and customary"


at Amazon there is the game from 50 Cent, are wearing comfortable shoes is the sports equipment manufacturer confidence in all price ranges. Be sure to try on, otherwise you ruin their feet.

Links: Links marathon selection

:: Pre-runner for the single race
law Rudimentary training settings
law : The actual game, the marathon, in real time schonal 4 hours.


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