Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bunionette Surgery Blog

Road Trains in Magdeburg

All day I've now been blogging and what the intention once again to write my last night:

An excerpt from my Twitter timeline from last night

What happened? Shortly after midnight, I went with 3 guys and a girl of the lunch on the road Damaschkeplatz to the fire station at Ambrose Place. We sat in the back third of the low-floor rail and have our way beer enjoyed. Two rows were sitting on two well-dressed black Africans, which occasionally have entertained (I guess times in French). At the Neustadt train station then 20 (about 1 / 3 women) dressed befitting rights bawling, swaying back and got on the train. After a small part had put behind us, have the remaining before us placed standing and sitting, and immediately began to recite from their standard work: From "go back to your country and work around zipper you not here with us through" back to to "yes you can not even really German" from each chapter was something there. The soundtrack was the whole of Germany bawled right-wing praise songs. After 2 or 3 stops 3 are no less steeled Securities and two ticket inspectors entered and have been working slowly through the train back and checked the back of other, contrary to its operation only by sampling. Except in our group because they have read all the student ID to the letter. After they had but then found an invalid card, the personal data recorded and the next stop there was a subtle nod of the head of one of the inspectors and hey presto they were gone as quiet as they were come. Meanwhile, of course, the insults were more cheerful.

If one is so petty that an expired student card is valid in combination with a valid registration certificate as a fare-dodging, you should probably also § 3, paragraph 1 apply the MVB transport conditions :
§ 3 excluded from transport people
(1) persons who represent a danger to public safety or order of the operations or for the passengers, are excluded from transport. Unless these conditions are met, are excluded in particular: first
People who behave in a conspicuous and other passengers uncomfortable
5th People who show violent or violent exercise,
were friends of mine from the security even for an open beer bottle thrown from the train ($ 4 paragraph 2.9). As one can stop at 3 facts with corns compress

What should we do in that situation as Mr. Short 4-copies? Opening lines I had enough for the crowd in your head - luckily the alcohol level was so low that I could keep my mouth shut. Although they were hard to become violent before, but have left at penetrating, loud harassment. I do not know if I as a foreigner, not after the 1st Station would be pulled out.
With the slogan "Here you, give you what to pledge" was offered to the two Africans an empty drinking glass. Smiling, she refused, whereupon they tossed at their feet was. At the City-Carree, the two then got out and have, after the web was set off, again waved behind nice. On Dammi we then got out with the Nazis and drove happily on different lines.
§ 4 Conduct of passengers
(2) passengers is especially forbidden: ...

10th Transportation to damage or physical plant, to soil or to smear,
(10) Several vehicles are cameras installed to monitor the passenger compartment. The systems are used to identify criminals and ensure the overall safety of passengers. The privacy regulations to protect of individual rights into account.

If passengers are already filmed by default, the records were then used to gambling? I know of no case - someone has other info?


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