Thursday, June 5, 2008

Silverado Ss Rims For Sale In California

Illiterate concert ascension 2008

(soldiers jacket on the barbed wire fence, Forst Zinna, former Panzer barracks, near the railroad crossing, Design: Marius Kettmann and Richard Welz, photo: Marius Kettmann, use without agreement prohibited by the author)

from the heading: military history.

can remember since I am I am interested in military history that took place not far from my home town, Elster . This goes so far that my oldest childhood memories, indeed the first nor conscious recollection in my life, back to the Russian military.

My interest continued until the end of the withdrawal of troops in 1994. Then the issue disappeared temporarily from my field of interest (I was 12 when the last troops left the country and as a teenager at the beginning of puberty, other things began to move more in focus). In the new millennium, I began the enthusiasm for the subject to chain again and for some time I'm working on some projects in this regard.

After several meetings and discussions with the competent authorities, got my good friend and companion on the first project on the subject, Richard Welz , and I, the Betretungsvollmacht for all surviving properties in the area to Jüterbog (namely: Jüterbog Bülow Street, Old stock, old stock Muna, Old Camp Flyer Technical School, New Camp, Jüterbog hospital, Forestry and Zinna Jüterbog dam ).

aim of the current term project on the one hand are photographs for an exhibition, more on that, while the documentation of all existing buildings, infrastructure etc. This also includes the two military training areas, Jüterbog Heidehof , northeast of Jüterbog , and the shooting range Jüterbog , west of Forst Zinna . Other objectives include the development of documentation, which appear in the foreseeable future in book form should, as well as a picture book.

The exhibition is titled: " покинутый город - the deserted city " from the 12th to see his September 2008 in the Cultural Centre "The house " in the Old Camp , details about it soon on this Blog.

Even the texts that will accompany the pictures to our photo exhibition in the autumn, and for the planned documentation, we find pictures and documentation, literature, archives and chronicles, we need the help of witnesses.

why would I turn to you herewith: You yourself have had experience with Soviet military? Have you had discussions? Do you have pictures or other relevant contemporaneous documents? Do you have memories you want to share with posterity?

then please contact with the subject: " Soviet military history " to the following e-mail address:

marius.kettmann @

one more call I would like to ask all those who have experienced nothing but know people in the vicinity who have made the experience that could help us to work through this important part of German history and not forgotten to leave.

Please contact these persons or trust me, that together we can talk about the experience.

Although currently the main focus on the environment Jüterbog , I encourage you but also for future projects, with experience and experience with the Soviet military in other areas of the former GDR (or even the former Warsaw Pact ) to reach out to me.

All your data will be kept confidential and the publication of the information is of course previously agreed with you.

To all this part of German history buffs, I would urge the plea of the distribution of this article.

about the changes, results and events to the projects in detail and I will promptly report on this blog.


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