Thursday, June 26, 2008

What Will Medicare Pay For

Album Review: Please Please Me

from the heading: music and literature.

The Beatles: Please Please Me announced


As noted in this blog, I'll present you in the coming months, reviews the 13 Beatles studio albums. The reviews are mine.

We begin today with the Beatles debut album "Please Please Me .

album information

- Release Year: 1963
- Künstler: The Beatles
- Albumtitel: „ Please Please Me
- Record Company: Parlophone Records/ EMI
- Single-Auskopplungen (UK): „ Love Me Do / P.S. I Love You “, „ Please Please Me / Ask me Why
- Single-Auskopplungen (US): “ Please Please Me / Ask Me Why ”, “ I Saw Her Standing There ” (B-Seite von “ I Want To Hold Your Hand ”), “ Please Please Me ” (mit der B-Seite “ From Me To You ”), " Twist And Shout / There's A Place ", " Do You Want To Know A Secret " (with the B-side " Thank You Girl "), " Love Me Do / PS I Love You "
- Since the U.S." Please Please Me "did not appear were the songs from Capitol Records / EMI on the two boards" Introducing ... The Beatles "(Version A 1963 - with the single" Love Me Do / PS I Love You "but without the single" Please Please Me / Ask Me Why ", Version B 1964 - with the single "Please Please Me / Ask Me Why" but without the single "Love Me Do / PS I Love You ") and "The Early Beatles " (1965) published .


1) "I Saw Her Standing There " (McCartney / Lennon)
2) " Misery" (McCartney / Lennon)
3) " Anna (Go To Him ) "(Alexander)
4)" Chains "(Goffin / King)
5)" Boys "(Dixon / Farrell)
6.) “ Ask Me Why ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
7.) “ Please Please Me ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
8.) “ Love Me Do ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
9.) “ P.S. I Love You ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
10.) “ Baby It’s You ” (David/ Williams/ Bacharach)
11.) “ Do You Want To Know A Secret ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
12.) “ A Taste Of Honey ” (Scott/ Marlow)
13.) “ There’s A Place ” (McCartney/ Lennon)
14.) “ Twist And publish shout "(Medley / Russell)


When the Beatles" Please Please Me "in March 1963, nobody could have guessed that the most important and wegweisenste band of rock and Pop history, had presented her debut.

In the run were the two singles " Love Me Do / PS I Love You " and " Please Please Me / Ask Me Why " was published, both by the author team John Lennon / Paul McCartney had been written .

On this debut album, the title still appeared under the symbol McCartney / Lennon - this should change as the successor "With The Beatles " which was published in November 1963. From then on, should the team of authors Lennon / McCartney hot and go down in history books. been

After the Beatles of George Martin that should help shape than the producer Beatles sound crucial, offered after audition in autumn 1962, a record contract, they met to receive the debut single.

As Ringo Starr could not convince the producers, this was the final recording session at a studio musician, Alan White, on drums. In a later session, the song was once played with Ringo Starr on drums. Which version appeared finally is controversial to this day even among fans.

Also " PS I Love You " was made with Alan White on drums - and Ringo Starr on tambourine and the maracas.

" Love Me Do" is influenced primarily by John Lennon harmonica (also in ' Please Please Me "takes a leading role). A 17th place was the debut single in England in it.

The B-side "PS I Love You " proved already in this early phase of the band, what skills ballads Schreiber Paul McCartney was .

The first number 1 of the Beatles should be their second single "Please Please Me . Here, too, was added an impressive ballad "Ask Me Why .

The debut album needed in addition to the four already completed and published songs for 10 more songs (it was at that time in England customary to publish to 14 songs on one album).

On 11 February 1963 was recorded the album in 12 hours, virtually live in the Abbey Road Studios . Actually George Martin had intended to include the entire album live in the Cavern Club .

The pieces by the Beatles lectured on their debut was also their usual repertoire Live from the Cavern Club .

was chosen for 8 originals and 6 covers.

The highlights of the album were, in addition to the singles "Love Me Do / PS I Love You "And" Please Please Me / Ask Me Why "clearly the McCartney / Lennon number" I Saw Her Standing There "that should be the opener of the plate, and the culmination of debut work " Twist And Shout " by Medley and Russell .

Both songs are pure rock 'n' roll and show that both Paul McCartney (song singer of "I Saw Her Standing There ") and John Lennon (song by singer " Twist And Shout ") good Rock singer were.

" Twist And Shout " invited by John Lennon voice so much from which it was attached to the end of the recording day. Had to sit in one take everything. can

addition, "I Saw Her Standing There " - that one of the first joint works Lennon / McCartney was (and also showed the influence of John Lennon's on Paul McCartney's Texterei - because McCartney had " She was just 17, never been a beauty queen ... " written and Lennon's influence made it "She was just 17, you know what I mean ... ) - arguable.

How much Lennon " I Saw Her Standing There " estimated, although he was not the song singer, was when he the song on his last live performance in winter 1974 to the stage with Elton John , in Madison Square Garden in New York , once again performed. (See especially, the influence of "Alice in Wonderland
" to be later below)
also Lennon's penchant for fairy tales and mythical stories is even at this early stage of the creative creative Band appreciably.

" Do You Want To Know A Secret " is inspired by Snow White . Lennon's mother Julia had always the song "Wishing Well " sung from the Disney film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs " from the cradle and the statement so rooted deeply in it.

Both Lennon affinity for fairy tales and the fixation on his mother, should forms in later periods of the Beatles (and also in Lennon's solo works) further show here already beginning to bear fruit.

was however left to the song ultimately George Harrison as a singer who can be from this song one of the most sentimental and most of the album.

In There's A Place "shows Lennon a first time, where he retires, if he is dissatisfied with the world: in his head. Later he was to return with such images, particularly from the "Revolver " time. But shows at this early artistic phase Lennon that he was more than just a rock singer, who recited a few love songs.

All in particular, outweigh the Lennon / McCartney songs and also the quality of their recordings is better than the cover versions.

Only " Misery" comes close not quite reach the quality of the other original compositions. Actually written for Helen Shapiro , took the Beatles the number on even after they had rejected the song.

takes Besides these songs Harrison voice in the song "Chains " and Ringo Starr allowed to " Boys" to the mike.

In "A Taste of Honey "was McCartney's doubled voice and it appears the song, despite the rush there was, after all, they took on a whole album in one day that the Beatles also were playing here and always willing to experiment outside the box watch out - a characteristic that only 2 ½ years later, move on "Rubber Soul " to new heights.

" Anna (Go To Him) " faded like "Misery " a little against the strong points of the album, while "Baby It's You " completely in their own songs incorporates.

Besides these songs actually have " How Do You Do It? Date "by Murray and the original composition" Hold Me Tight "was, but found no use.
" How Do You Do It? "was produced by George Martin as an alternative to" Please Please Me "as the second single taken to the race because he was not convinced as the producer of the second single. The Beatles recorded the song on - they said they vehemently opposed it. In the end you worked so long on "Please Please Me " until Martin disagreed.

" How Do You Do It? "was written by the Beatles never published (for fans was the first recording with the release of" Anthology 1 "audible) but was at last a No. 1 on the UK charts for Gerry and the Peacemakers .

"Hold Me Tight " had not wanted to get finished and rejected like the song during the 12-hour session. He was later taken up again in the same year and on the following album "With The Beatles published.

The debut album by the Beatles - the 2003 No. 39 of the 500 greatest albums of all time by Rolling Stone magazine reached were available, - is a strong beginning, a rock 'n' roll album ("I Saw Her Standing There "," Twist And Shout "), which also sentimental and sensitive songs (" Do You Want To Know A Secret "," PS I Love You ") and forward-looking elements (" There's A Place "," A Taste Of Honey come up ") can.

A successful first works, certainly by the creativity, the band developed especially 1965-1968, is not among the best in the band, but just out of the historical background is perfectly out of styles and music.

to recommend the album all Beatles fans and all those who the Beatles want to know when the band they were when they were discovered.

Listen to: "I Saw Her Standing There ", "Twist And Shout ", " Do You Want To Know A Secret ", "Please Please Me " " PS I Love You "

Midfielders: " Chains, "" Misery "

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Do Surenos Get Along With Crips

illiterate live in Wittenberg

from the heading: music and literature.

This Saturday, the 28th June 2008 that Illiterate will finally see again Live on Stage.

the club Druzhba in Lutherstadt Wittenberg finds the June event held in 2008 .
The Druzhba
can be found in the Halle Straße 32 .

entry: clock 21:00.

starts against clock 22:00 our support act: Count Eder .

We present Count Eder, a punk group from Wittenberg who complete their Debütgig. We know the band members for years, and from fans of the Illiterate created their own creative band that you should not miss.
can counter clock 23:00 then Illiterate experience in well-known form. Be enchanted by the new stage show and see that the marriage of rock is not over, but the results still fine and live rock is listed.

We would be delighted if you too will find its way to this concert.

Admission is € 3 .

A recap of the performance you will see the connection as usual on this blog.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Harley Ultra Handlebars

memory of the victims of the 17 . do Beatles record review

from the heading: military history.

Today 55 years ago it was in the former GDR to a popular uprising. It was the first popular uprising in the former Soviet bloc or Warsaw Pact in the field of .

The uprising was the Soviet military and the People's Police the DDR on 17th June after martial law was imposed, bloodily.

This resulted in more than 50 deaths.

This would also like to commemorate the victims of the uprising.

No man has the right to take the life of another, and no state has the right to imprison his people and to prohibit the mouth.

May we remember the victims and hope that such events in our country always belong to the past.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

George Qashington Bridge Toll Rates

call to witness

from the heading: music and literature.

I have my -Beatles record collection now complete digital, I will comment in detail on the individual albums in the coming weeks.

My Beatles collection began with the start of quite 1990 he years. As was customary at that time, I got myself by and by, the individual albums on tape (CDs were not then really "in").

come addition to the studio albums bootlegs, Best Of's, B-side collections, music collections, compilations etc., and dozens of books.

No band has influenced me musically as strong as the Beatles (even if the decisive point to the guitar and finally to the band's founding Oasis with " Do not look back in anger " in the summer 1996 ) .

the albums of the Beatles are today, 38 years after the band broke up, still impressive, expressive and special and should be in every record collection.

My reviews of the 13 studio albums, it will be in the order of their appearance, as follows, given in the next few weeks here on my blog:

01 Please, please me - 1963

02. With the Beatles - 1963

03. A hard day's night - 1964

04. Beatles for sale - 1964

05. Help! - 1965

06. Rubber soul - 1965

07. Revolver - 1966

08. Sgt. Peppers lonely hearts club band - 1967

09. Magical mystery tour - 1967

10. The Beatles - 1968

11. Yellow submarine - 1969

12. Abbey road - 1969

13. Let it be - 1970

Also, look forward to a summer of Beatles, full of impressive music and great memories of the history of rock music.

The full review of Beatles studio albums - this summer on this blog.

Coming soon ...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Silverado Ss Rims For Sale In California

Illiterate concert ascension 2008

(soldiers jacket on the barbed wire fence, Forst Zinna, former Panzer barracks, near the railroad crossing, Design: Marius Kettmann and Richard Welz, photo: Marius Kettmann, use without agreement prohibited by the author)

from the heading: military history.

can remember since I am I am interested in military history that took place not far from my home town, Elster . This goes so far that my oldest childhood memories, indeed the first nor conscious recollection in my life, back to the Russian military.

My interest continued until the end of the withdrawal of troops in 1994. Then the issue disappeared temporarily from my field of interest (I was 12 when the last troops left the country and as a teenager at the beginning of puberty, other things began to move more in focus). In the new millennium, I began the enthusiasm for the subject to chain again and for some time I'm working on some projects in this regard.

After several meetings and discussions with the competent authorities, got my good friend and companion on the first project on the subject, Richard Welz , and I, the Betretungsvollmacht for all surviving properties in the area to Jüterbog (namely: Jüterbog Bülow Street, Old stock, old stock Muna, Old Camp Flyer Technical School, New Camp, Jüterbog hospital, Forestry and Zinna Jüterbog dam ).

aim of the current term project on the one hand are photographs for an exhibition, more on that, while the documentation of all existing buildings, infrastructure etc. This also includes the two military training areas, Jüterbog Heidehof , northeast of Jüterbog , and the shooting range Jüterbog , west of Forst Zinna . Other objectives include the development of documentation, which appear in the foreseeable future in book form should, as well as a picture book.

The exhibition is titled: " покинутый город - the deserted city " from the 12th to see his September 2008 in the Cultural Centre "The house " in the Old Camp , details about it soon on this Blog.

Even the texts that will accompany the pictures to our photo exhibition in the autumn, and for the planned documentation, we find pictures and documentation, literature, archives and chronicles, we need the help of witnesses.

why would I turn to you herewith: You yourself have had experience with Soviet military? Have you had discussions? Do you have pictures or other relevant contemporaneous documents? Do you have memories you want to share with posterity?

then please contact with the subject: " Soviet military history " to the following e-mail address:

marius.kettmann @

one more call I would like to ask all those who have experienced nothing but know people in the vicinity who have made the experience that could help us to work through this important part of German history and not forgotten to leave.

Please contact these persons or trust me, that together we can talk about the experience.

Although currently the main focus on the environment Jüterbog , I encourage you but also for future projects, with experience and experience with the Soviet military in other areas of the former GDR (or even the former Warsaw Pact ) to reach out to me.

All your data will be kept confidential and the publication of the information is of course previously agreed with you.

To all this part of German history buffs, I would urge the plea of the distribution of this article.

about the changes, results and events to the projects in detail and I will promptly report on this blog.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blue Clairol Complements Color Intensifier

concert of the "Unmissing three of four" and "Unmissing two of four"

Marius Kettmann, singer, guitarist

Konrad Kober, guitar, backing vocals

Frank Stanitz, bass

Benjamin Prautsch, drums

from the category: music literature.

On 01 May 2008 it was time again: Ascension , men - or Father's Day . Unfortunately, this day fell in this year's May Day together and so had the working citizens of Germany, it put up with two public holidays in one day to enjoy, while entrepreneurs rejoiced.

For the fourth year was held this year in Elster , on my property and the simultaneous headquarters Illiterate (and which this year has for 10 years - but more in the late summer of this year) instead of a man's day party .

As always, I invited friends and good acquaintances terminus. Last stop - that is the common conclusion among like-minded people, barbecue, drinks and lots of music and good conversation.

So take a year about 30 invited guests in the evening to the Männertag until dawn following day to celebrate concluded. These guests often meet again 10-20 guests, who were angelogt through music and good atmosphere.

So also in this year in which some 40 guests to celebrate again the following morning.

A highlight every year was like the appearance of the Illiterate that for some time has been clamoring for. Almost two hours we gave to frenetic applause and many sing-along songs meaning friends of our live repertoire as well as some covers of Green Day to to Deep Blue Something best.

The good humor and the many familiar faces made it difficult for us to leave the stage again. I would like, on behalf of Illiterate , thanks once again to thank all friends, acquaintances, fellow artists and fans, this day this year (and many of them already once again) back to an amazing and wonderful experience have made.

The many organizational arrangements, the necessary work and the great clean up, give me to think of every year whether I will get this event were forgotten when I looked in all the shining eyes and experienced the common irretrievable moments .

This is how the repetition next year is relatively good.

I would also like to thank my parents, Wolfgang Kettmann, and Ellen organize the clean up in preparation, when, and when involved in helping at all corners and as always were brilliant hosts were.

Even my girlfriend, the beautiful Izzy, I want to thank. By your presence, the day was even better for me. Also I would like to again thank you, the next day that they took care of the guests for brunch (which this year turned out relatively short - around 16:00 clock was all over - in Previous year was still out of the brunch to midnight).

Even my good friend and soul mate, Benjamin Ackermann , I would like to thank the MIT Izzy and I went through the night and around the barbecue care (not only as a grill master, but also as the owner of the grill).

also Benjamin Prautsch , my drummer, I would like to thank - who put the two tents available, without which the event would have fallen into the water because the reliable source of the tents ready unpredictable in recent years held no tents.

And Frank Stanitz , my bass player, I would like to thank, who had conjured up a extra punch for the ladies, which was well.

In this spirit I wish you all a pleasant year to the next Ascension .