Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Diagram For Coyote Snars

The attack dog

Manufacturer: KCM
Appeared: 2000
Hardware: Any computer where Windows 95 works
Rating: 0 / 10
Wii: No

test environment:
Pentium 4, 2.8 GHz, 1 GB Ram, Geforce 6200 (installation problems)
AMD Turion X64, 512 MB Ram, ATI Radeon 1100 Mobile (Easy)

There are games to terrible events are based and exploit for themselves. The most famous of this type are safe, "KZ Manager" or "Hitler dictator." Also "The attack dog joins in such securities. Remember, on 26 June 2000 in Hamburg, a child of two illegal, despite knowledge of the authorities seized, Staffordshire Terrier bitten mongrels Tot. What led to an unexpected Dog hysteria, such as image with dirt leaves and garbage stations such as RTL in the front line.

The manufacturer of this work, Mach wanted to use exactly this seems to be fast and hardly a week later this Tamagotchi Compiled blend.
For those who missed the Tamagotchi trend, a brief statement. A Tamagotchi is an egg-shaped structure in which a (undefinable) lives as a chick being designated. The player has to deal with the employees, they are feeding, cleaning, etc. The PC version of this game usually somewhat more complex, so also "attack dog" there is after all, the division into "thirst" and "hunger" and at least 2 (in words two!) ways the dog "Happy" to make. Petting and playing. Play, however, is a Simple XXO, the "happynes" factor increases but only if you win the game.

per hour gives only a certain amount of action points, these are used up only one remains to wait until there is new. The program usually runs around in the background and logs as required by a poorly Digitized barking. But rather then sounds like you would connect a poodle's tail. The "animal" dies at the latest after 28 days. Where the game takes place in real time. Say even if you turn off the computer and then load the game again is the same as time passed, the computer would have stayed on. Say before the shutdown, a "dog sitter" the death of her other cattle Digital relatively quickly. Again, this auction but it costs points. When food can they even choose what you want feeding. They range from starters such as cereal, chips, main dishes such as hunters and dog meat (!) On various desserts to drinks. This followed the program even for a dog food which was healthy or not.

content, the game is indeed quite unspectacular, but would have been ok. The problem is the game has been so sensational. There are constant bad creatures doomed to see with fangs that should probably remember from various dog breeds wrongly discredited. Then there are the lousy sound effects that sound like some freshly digitized from lousy porn.


to publish a game based on a tragedy, the time of publication was only a week ago is not absolute. The game will also be a sensational way Titling and figures much less. Much more, it looks as if one had the game quickly crafted for the "dangerous dogs issue" other stuff. Basically it is in fact a more complex Tamagotchi clone without the "attack dog" piece of work would not have been so bad. But that was acting just as you earn on the back of a dead child and tens of thousands of dog owners to quickly € with the panic. Where the game is the Love Parade 2010?


Fortunately Apparently only on eBay. Otherwise, I have not found any dealer.

The mini-game, more of this embarrassing piece of work I really want to point at all.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Beads Fit Troll Bracelets

The green dress in action

I owe still a picture of the finished jacket, but yesterday I found a picture that the green wedding outfit Action shows.
It was a great wedding and we had a great time
. Thank you Marina and Martin!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Cough Suppressant And Ativan

Atomix 2

Manufacturer: Topos Verlag
Appeared: 2002
Hardware: Pentium 2, 450 MHz, 32 MB Ram, 8 MB graphics card, sound card
Rating: 9 / 10
ESRB: From 0

test environment:
Pentium 4, 2.8 GHz, 1 GB Ram, Geforce 6200 (Smooth)
AMD Turion X64, 512 MB Ram, ATI Radeon 1100 Mobile (Smooth)

thinking and puzzle games are by now quite verschriehen as so-called "casual" games for beginners, which apparently no one remembers this is the end of the 80s and early 90s much of the game's released. Atomix 2 is a representative of the genre.

The player's objective is assemble prefabricated molecular components of an entire molecule together. The elderly are now thinking maybe "I know who!" Are right. The Original Atomix part appeared in 1990 under the label Thalion. Atomix 2 is programmed by the same company as the original Atomix, by a person in other respects.

The gameplay is relatively simple, It applies different predetermined assemble atoms for these lying around on the field enough parts, the complex is because they can move only along the line, that is, moving only stops when the atomic parts on a wall or similar limit meetings. Say you have the parts about "gang" to play as they arise at the end of the atom. What still Simple sounds in the game proved to be extremely complicated. A fortiori, when the atoms are more complex. This also is a relatively tight time limit which provides additional stress. Additionally, there are also bonus items that go over it with the molecule to the score are added together. Later there It also more or less useful objects. Among them give some additional time, or freeze the time counters. However, also covers such as holes, dynamite sticks, laser barriers. In addition, there doors. The levels are thus in the progressive game is extremely complex.

Graphically Atomix 2 is very frugal, The fields are fairly diverse, but still just holding. Since this is always a 2D puzzle game an expensive graphics engine would be completely out of place anyway.

Each level has its own melody, at least each of the 6 level I could play, from the fact I have completely failed. Otherwise there is not much sound like just what the atomic parts offend the wall, to other Molecules and the like. The music is extremely well managed, consistent and does not push itself into the foreground.

The game supports player-created levels, is however not available on the CD still in power, a level editor. Pity about the function. Why does the game support requires a mouse, according to hardware requirements, is probably a secret, the whole game is controlled only by keyboard. Even the main menu.

Conclusion: The 1990 classic

Atomix finally gets his successors, this has the same qualities, and also about the same difficulty, namely an extreme high. Too bad the game is hardly catches attention. This Everything is perfect. The gameplay is addictive, graphics are adequate, the music very well done. Even if the difficulty level is extremely high.

respect: there

The game is still on Amazon. For about 2.50 €. Who would like such puzzles or even Atomix access. Unfortunately, there are the company website probably no more. My version is from the Woolworth Odds and ends for 30 cents (!)

I unfortunately had to "screen shot" taken literally. The game ran for no screenshots.

Links: Level 1, to settle
Right: Level 2, already difficult

Links: Main Menu
Right: Credits

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why Does My Dg Always Smack

TKKG 1 - Katie's secret

Manufacturer: Tivola
Appeared: 1999
Hardware: 486 CPU, 8 MB Ram, 4 MB video card, sound card
Rating: 7 / 10
USK: No classification

test environment:

AMD Turion X64, 512 MB Ram, ATI Radeon 1100 Mobile (bug in XP)
486DX2 66 MHz, 256 MB Ram, Hercules Dynamite 8 MB (Easy Windows 95)

Who does not know? The radio drama series for the 4 amateur detectives Tim, Karl, dumplings and Gabi, well actually 5, Oscar the Cocker Spaniel is also one at that. But can listen in while the radio plays the interested consumer is not there also something to play along.

The four friends sitting in front of an ice cream from a concerned fellow comes and says that his girlfriend Katja's been gone three days. Even so TKKG sit in a new case and take over the search for Katja. Since the player get to the train. In the form of one of the 4 friends is to pedal there are different places to have conversations, circumstantial evidence and procure, to see Katja and finally make a group of bank robbers arrested.

The main screen is the map TKKG the city, leave this to go about it using the mouse, select various locations that you need sooner or later in the game. On the screens themselves runs throughout like a typical point and click adventure from, so we investigated objects, of which there are not many, or talking to people. Each person on various members of the gang TKKG respond differently. So there for example a friend of the disappeared only Gabi Katja Katja is the lead on where to find. In the second part of the game but then this nice feature is obsolete because you travel only with the whole group.

Another problem is the control, you can place only one question and must then leave the screen as the game the second question then does not show more that clicking but degenerates into some back and forth until finally comes the crucial clue, or do not, then does the same thing going on with the next member. Some things eg sniffing in the computer even happen in the very tight time limit. What particularly for the younger target group actually very likely to be frustrating.

The whole thing is very carefully staged and drawn, despite that there is only a Macromedia Flash application. are even small animations in the statues there.

The setting is done well, but is the only speaker of the original narrator, but also the replacement speaker TKKG the band do their job well. The ambient sounds are well staged and appropriately, it sounds like a boat house on the lake, a busy street sounds like that, and much more. There

The story and the puzzles are advised, however, very short, so it only 6 objects, otherwise it is only people with the right character to ask the right questions to really combine what does not exist. The only real puzzle is to find out a code of a code wheel. However, experienced adventure games are here, too quickly to the solution. But it is children that will make you hard nut teeth and finish the game in frustration.


The story is exciting, beautiful graphics, the soundtrack is good, unfortunately messes up the game a little in detail issues such as the mystery density, which is now very low, I had the game in spite of trial and error with different characters in an hour to complete. The control is not completely thought through, which always go back to the location to another question put to annoying very quickly. Nevertheless, it is fun TKKG in solving the case to help. Furthermore, there is also a (hopefully tasty) chocolate cake recipe and the aforementioned code disk for printing. Meanwhile, the remaining 16 games of the series have been published.

problems: The game

zickt huge on Windows Versions that were published after NT 4.0 or Windows Millennium. Even the installation reports an error here can also install Anyway. Very critical it is if you do not handle the final task in the time limit. Then the game crashes without being able to save. On Windows 95 this error does not occur.


at Amazon and EBay, there is the game currently only used by single price of 0.01 € to 2.50 €. This is it still the collectors edition of the first 3 parts for € 24.50 With a little luck you can find the game even in junk shops or Woolworth as TEDI, the latter stems from my version.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How Much More Daylight Gained Each Day

Don Cato - The Return of the Lynx

Manufacturer: Ca ' Gatti Berlin
Appeared: 2001
Hardware: 500 MhZ CPU, 64 MB Ram , 4 MB video card, sound card
rating: 10/10
PSP : not applicable because Educational

test environment:
AMD Turion X64, 512 MB Ram , ATI Radeon 1100 Mobile ( Smooth )

On 17 March 1818, so a little more than 192 years in the resin of the last Lynx shot, Human sad and tragic event from this folly bears witness to the lynx stone. In this case this was not even as a demonstration against the extermination of lynx placed there. But as a reminder of the killer of the animal. A similar memorial is also available for the last brown bear and the last wolf in the area but only in passing.

The story of Don Cato tells the story of the Lynx Cato the way up from his home in the Alps opens a new area to see the forest. The player accompanied him here during his visit to Germany. In essence, "Don Cato - The Return of the lynx "is not a game but rather an interactive story. The game pieces themselves are simply the scanning of the screen to clickable animals or objects. Where the game has to tell everyone a story. Either the animals tell their own history, or designed by one of the animals tells the Cato imagine her living room. Of which there are total of 4. The winter landscape of the Alps, a Spring landscape along the river, the summer by the sea and, finally, the fall in the resin. In each screen there is a lot of information about animals and plants.

Where is the game of course Aimed more at a younger target group, but basically anyone can learn what. The individual seasons and landscapes are linked by the huts you can enter. There are then in addition a quiz and a memory solve. Where in the autumn landscape at the end even bird calls can be mapped in the whole game. Who has not exactly Attention will have to puzzle out here pretty, at least I did not spontaneous sounds like a kingfisher.

The whole game was a lot of attention to detail and put in music Drawn, it can be assigned to each animal immediately (if the species is generally known) and the speaker to come here all the effort. Likewise, the backgrounds are very well depicted set, only some animations seem a bit choppy, but this very well have been used Macromedia software may be encountered by acute in this project to its limits. The only here where you can attach some criticism that the animals are sometimes very humanized. However, this is a stylistic device to facilitate the identification with the animals. Therefore, it can hardly be considered criticism.

Da Don Carto "not really a game is to control very simple, if there is something interesting on the screen when the mouse is over it turns driving into an automatic hand. By clicking this, there is either a declaration or a little story to hear. This can also skip some scenes and even entire seasons can be skipped. For this, however, lacks a memory function. However, it is a few clicks back to the point where you finish the game. Shall pass through this, too, not as a criticism.

The highlight is of course the dictionary, here, every animal and plant species occurring in the game once again described in detail. Unfortunately, the game a blunder, be refused for the last quiz that claims the fox is the main transmitter of rabies. This is simply tall tales to justify the extermination of the fox to. Particularly much some people have apparently learned not from the extinction of the lynx before. Perhaps even carry such titles will help, not that more animals of bloodthirsty people overboard geballert be. But the mistake I will not hold against the game, after all, this is unfortunately an extremely common hoax.


Don Cato "is a promotional game of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. You can see the game but to the work here with very great attention to detail was. So the game is instructive without wag wagging finger. There are also a nice graphics and a very good setting. The encyclopedia is researched well and with great attention to detail. This is Don Cato "also completely free to order. There are also still a very nicely designed brochure and an A1 poster



among children and young people, absolutely free of charge, even the shipping is paid by the BMU

wait that will not find the game (in addition to many other commercial games) can be downloaded here:

http://werbespiel.blogspot.com/2010/09/don-cato the-RETURN-of-luchses.html

Links: The lynx stone in the game

Right: Cato is also active underwater.

Links: Seaside

Right: At the end of the trip

The only error in the search game.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Brent Corrigan Lazy Eye

Tatort Internet

Yes, I know this is not a game, fortunately. Strange, no TV broadcast, which would be expressed Harmless. But a real scandal, not because of the alleged abusers, but for the presentation of the whole.

is the broadcast, such as RTL claims 2, nothing new but the bad copy of the U.S. series "How to Catch a Predator" only the original much more responsible than Brought RTL2 broadcast is more reminiscent of a bad docu-soap. But from the beginning.

The basis is the (alleged) journalists as children in various chat log and receive mail from adults. Of course, the journalists are looking for then get out of a meeting which seems possible, therefore, a house, or rented to another location, equipped with cameras and the alleged pedophiles to get there. Speak on it can hold the camera so that RTL 2.

Where does the U.S. even original, just like they have the cops here, while RTL 2, the alleged pedophile vollsülzt first time on camera while said on Basic things such as personality rights, good German, craps. The

begins in the first case to act strange, then to an allegedly 13 year old to date an "pedophile", including with the phone. But one has to keep his already badly stupid these amateur actors for a child. A 13-year-old child says so, to which the voice is just sounds like a 25 year old. Given you and the team is supposedly afraid of the alleged pedophiles, even though a lot are alleged bodyguard in the house. The rest went as according to script, the alleged offender is at the door, the camera crew comes around the corner, and the alleged offender is vollgesülzt of any RTL 2 Kasper, apparently to wring a confession from him.

The second case runs the same, only here the meeting in a restaurant, which might have harmed through the show pretty, with a supposedly only 14 years old. Here too stingy RTL2 not personal details, including work and home town I will not repeat here. Middle of the conversation leaves the alleged girls who looked more after 24 than after 14th The table and again the RTL2 Trutsche comes to and trying again here Rauszupressen a kind of confession. Among other things, with the threat that the whole thing now TV is coming anyway and everyone understands it. Even worse here is that of "Caught" should apparently be forced to commit a crime on camera, because the alleged 14 year old Slipped this rather to my body. Even if this hand had created the offense would not become, because the actress is, as already mentioned, over 18 could make no wonder the police nothing, even if not this woman Guttenberg fits in my stuff.

The third case proceeds exactly according to plan F, this time in Munich's pedestrian zone, only here Met RTL 2 well on the wrong person, because this knew exactly what he has done up here and nothing illegal or issue in RTL 2 times after what they accuse him of actually illegal or not, as the "journalist" could only escape. Moreover, the "caught" not informed about who here actually for what Filmt, not even on demand. But rights for alleged "pedophiles"? Where would we be then.

I do not know if this is now the worst is to be at the show, but the verdict may at any own making. RTL 2 that is not afraid to tug in front of actual victims in front of the camera. In this case here, a girl was allegedly forced by a 16 year old to his quote: send to 'Boobs Pictures. " After this post the girl in the schoolyard probably still quite can listen to other things. Ironically, the mother also claimed that her daughter could really talk to anyone about it. But in front of the cameras and RTL 2 Micros went well. A reputable station had distorted the image pixelated (like that of Arabelle Kiesbauer eg shadow wall) and the voice. RTL 2 of course not, how could it be otherwise.

Also, for this program, presenters duo of Hamburg Ex-Interior Minister Udo Nagel and Stephanie and from Guttenberg, who has published a book by chance before the topic is not exactly what can be described as serious. So one can Out the hearing Mr. Nagel would like data retention, and Guttenberg woman recalls her nagging more of these little dogs barking all day to get attention. Only woman reaches of Guttenberg and very often had the pitch of a siren. Just annoying, after all, they were recruited only for the first delivery.

is very negative effect on even the police said that one should not identify themselves. A former interior minister seems to have no problems but, even so that the Internet is called a crime scene as investigators and journalists perform and judges alike.

The organization "Innocent in Danger" is here to speak in can summarize the form of Julia von Weiler, is the relatively simple ramblings "Children are vulnerable to men" It is also the opposite case, ie, the children are abused by women was probably a case of "under the carpet". The enemy of man in dark jacket fits well to make this better rate. Tips on how children who are 9-14 years old time (the factually correct), then 14-19 times (!), Did not exist. Well anyway. On a paid (!) Number of "Innocent in Danger! So here you try the program also earn some money. The parents sometimes could check what their children is so drive on the network not just mentioned. Because parents not so familiar with the matter would. The media literacy education is part of the secret. Would also be counterproductive, for "Innocent in Danger". Because these do indeed enforce Internet censorship.

By the way, you can see the whole show basically as advertising program for this dubious organization, the bad thing is that such people also advise our policy, and basically have absolutely no idea and apparently just want attention. Would these people really think about the suffering of the children, they would result condemn a program and not participate there too.

RTL 2 pulls all the way, in fact, as docu-soap, there are quick cuts, on various Cameras, Blood announcement trailer, a pesky "narrator" tells exactly in the docu-soap style to himself, plus melodramatic music, and done is the "nightmare scenario"

this consignment out just to nausea and goes so far that one more compassion for those affected, "pedophile" feels. Even the original U.S. critics felt this fact already, and the German copy is even worse than the original version.

is said to RTL 2 yes the investigating authorities which data are available, what you want to RTL 2 says, however, because here was a criminal offense nowhere to be seen. The submitting additional happened only after the mission speaks volumes, the shooting were some months ago, when the offenders were pedophiles they could really be over long since gone. Apparently it has handed over the data but also to the picture, because these have already hergemacht on Facebook & Co and published almost unblurred images. The picture on all the rights and laws craps is well known.

has remains to be said that the RTL 2 channel therefore preferred date probably because there were already complaints against this program and it ran on a provisional injunction against the broadcast on Monday also. RTL is the two cleverly evaded. We remain hopeful that the Courts, won 2 will stop, and the remaining 8 as well.

knows ethics and morality RTL 2, Udo Nagel, Stephanie Guttenberg and the pseudo-journalists are not good. Just me sick these people, and I do not mean the "pedophile"

What is the point of the mission is simple, "Innocent in Danger" wants to impose its demands, which leads from Internet censorship up to the required "Deep Packet Inspection" , which means the provider of each data packet must be inspected. Talk is all an advertising program that was produced on the backs of children. "Innocent in Danger" is thus not as bad as the people who are here condemned, but in a different direction.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Catholic Colors Of Faith Meaning

Marathon Manager

Manufacturer: Ubi Soft
Appeared: 2005
hardware: 2 GHz CPU, 256 MB Ram, 64 MB graphics card, 600 MB HDD space
Rating: 2 / 10
PSP : From 0

test environment:
Pentium 4, 2.8 GHz, has 1 GB Ram, Geforce 6200 (Smooth)
AMD Turion X64, 512 MB Ram, ATI Radeon 1100 Mobile (Smooth)

Manager games, it's like sand served at sea, especially Popular sports are football, hockey, football, basketball, baseball. But smaller sports such as rugby and cricket are supplied with such games, is itself a manager for the popular Australian Lacrosse it. But the program a company a manager for a marathon runner, here it was distributed by Ubi Soft Geronimo is then still a novelty and strange enough to show up here.

addition to the options and the participant, the game offers simple to run and a career. The difference is simple. For the simple term one chooses a runner and a track and then simply run it. Here, even the first mood killer comes to wear. Ubi Soft did not have money to invest so that there are no original name. Well, that can, however, get over pretty well, or knows someone of the inclined blog readers a friend Marathon runner? Each runner has their own strengths and weaknesses in the areas of endurance, speed, technology, and Sprint. Although there are various body sizes and weights, but this is the game of no importance.

The choice between the 15 marathons, while accepting the first time from large, but the differences are quite small, although the designers of the tracks have quite the sights missed the cities, there are eg in Cologne, the Cologne Cathedral, or in Vienna Ferris Wheel but the route is not the original tracks. But that's actually relatively little, or knows who the original tracks?

Nor can the weather set itself, only has the basically no impact, there is even dynamic weather, it can under an overcast sky to start raining quite times, but this is just decoration.

the actual game you will kill the first time various windows. But let's start with the graphics environment. Trist it applies here quite well, plate textures, ugly spectators, ugly and stiff-looking runner. Seemingly, they had given the amount of runners here to make some compromises. After all, the program quite well by 1000 (!) Iterations. The key here is, of course, the player status, here we see the heart rate and can "force" that is invested divided 000-100 Free. The less the less hard at the runner, but does too much effort that the heart rate shoots up and the runner will automatically slow down. Also three food are available, this is really simple "power booster". These can specify whether the runner should hold the position, speed or sprinting. Here it is simply the balance between speed and power consumption associated with. If, however, even this one has it can be applied to each run and each runner.

This is also the problem of "Marathon Manager" is more than not to do it. Say you do basically the same in every race. Whether the route now Cologne, Hamburg and Vienna makes absolutely no difference. Fortunately, the developers have thought of all the conditions of a time acceleration. In fact, because no one would have the 2-6 (!) Spend hours in front of the computer or optional on the toilet, kitchen or basement, for more than a few clicks requires the race not even in fast motion, the maximum comfortable way possible.

That leaves the manager mode. For this purpose, one must create a player profile, and also a player character. However, the changes here anyway no impact on the game, no matter how body type, source or beard is. In contrast to the single race, it is here for the individual log marathons in the racing calendar, which is of course a cost. This training is designed to more or less even. However, even rudimentary by distributing 12 action points. Although there are trainers or doctors to set it through the narrow office at the beginning, the only leads quickly to bankruptcy. Moreover, it is not advisable to make two marathons in a row, because it takes quite two months recovery. Also commercial contracts must be sought. The problem is here, the races are always the same, find the right division of power and "boost" the same as in the individual competition, and can be reached with a weak runner appropriate placements, the sponsors satisfied.

But here's the problem, finding sponsors is random, it requires a very early start to places that are not reached, or you can find just none at all. And once that happens and you just forget the whole career. In addition, you also need Marathon will not be charged join in, interrupting the game well for 2-3 minutes. This is incredibly annoying music, and otherwise barely existing sound.


About as exciting as watching a marathon on TV. Technically, however, from the looks better. Then there is the problem that the manager mode is completely random subject and one often enough can start from scratch even though we basically Nothing has gone wrong. At least the developers have thought of a time-lapse function. Basically, the game is also nothing wrong it's just boring to manage a marathon runner. The better alternative is sure to bring some good walking shoes and bring even the monitor tanned body on the run course. To run training, I recommend the welfare children live album "Between Image and customary"


at Amazon there is the game from 50 Cent, are wearing comfortable shoes is the sports equipment manufacturer confidence in all price ranges. Be sure to try on, otherwise you ruin their feet.

Links: Links marathon selection

:: Pre-runner for the single race
law Rudimentary training settings
law : The actual game, the marathon, in real time schonal 4 hours.