Monday, April 21, 2008

Keratin Treatment By Kerastase

Podcast with Robert Fleischer

Standing from left to right: Danny Ammon (GEP / DEGUFO / GFA), Marius Kettmann (MUFON-CES), Guido Natale Cincinnati (GEP / DEGUFO / GFA), Robert Fleischer (Exopolitics); Björn Bossing (DEGUFO), André Kramer (AAS), René Mendler (AAS ).
Kneeling from left to right: Phoenix [pseudonym] ( ); Carani [pseudonym] ( ); Patrick Hübner aka Stalker [pseudonym] ( ); kites [pseudonym] ( )

From the column: UFO research.

In many UFO forums and in many UFO news blog in recent days about the DEGUFO -Spring Meeting 2008, on 12 and 13 April 2008 in Erfurt held discussed. Often very controversial and often from people who were not from a variety of reasons, even personally present at the meeting.

were particularly common calls of the young generation of the various treated UFO organizations in Germany. More communication, more respect, more transparency and more cooperation was discussed - but what does this mean? What was said? Those who spoke and what are the objectives and concrete results?

As one of the persons involved in the joint meetings in Erfurt something I would like hereby to these questions.

Ahead of the meeting had been opened by various UFO forums and e-mail list on the internet the opportunity to meet personally with discussion partners in contact.

done Said. In Erfurt finally met people from no less than 3 UFO research organizations, and 3 other organizations dealing with related issues, such as anomalous phenomena, crop circles and Paleo-SETI deal. Also present were operator of an online support group for Abductees (alien abductees). It accepted the presentations as well as some interviews of people present by Exopolitics Initiative in Germany.

were the groups: the " Association for the Study of anomalous atmospheric phenomena and radar - Mutual UFO Network Central European Society (MUFON-CES) eV " that " Society for the Study of the UFO phenomenon (GEP) eV " and the host organization " German-speaking Society for UFO Research (DEGUFO) eV " .

addition, there were the " Forum for Border Science and Crop Circles (FGK) " , the "Society for anomalistics (GfA) eV " http://www . / and " Research Institute for Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI (AAS) " .
The online support group for abductees see . The " German Initiative for Exopolitics and the release of UFO technology " .

addition to the lectures on which it will be read in the coming days to something on this blog, it's mostly personal interviews, opinion and knowledge in addition to the main conference program, which are particularly important and interesting.

In the past there were always problems between the different groups, associations and organizations in Germany, which deal with the UFO theme.

These problems, however, were often more personal and interpersonal nature, as a theme.

Many of these personal problems eventually led to a dumbness in the organizations - one is closing its doors, walked in his own way and worked without the other.

Many years have passed since many personal differences. Younger members of the respective organizations, have often understood to problems of these disputes and to classify them as they were often not just thematically but personal.

with younger members of the younger generation, which was widely discussed in recent days in many cases, are not purely the younger in age, but rather the members of the later of the organizations and met during the said disputes are not members of those groups were. However, there are also over those between 20 and 30. These people do not

that the substantive debate, discussion of the UFO -issue, the exchange among colleagues, the approach may be different from the area, and consensus building are not hindered.

work you want. This cooperation does not mean the groups break up and now all of the same opinion would be (that would then not a merger but a collaboration of organizations) - but you have discussed the issues together that we can jointly evaluate findings and perhaps ultimately provitieren all groups in some way by the other (whether in the form of data, such as the http://www.ufo-datenbank in the already highly successful and successful project of UFO database , . de / , done by Christian Czech or in the form of personal, technical and methodological experiences).

One might as respectful and cooperative with each other even as it was possible in the DEGUFO Spring in Erfurt .

the entire evening sitting together members of the above-mentioned groups, discussed each other and although there were often differences of opinion, there was no personal animosity but always a friendly tone and a willingness to discuss constructively and objectively.

On this occasion, we also agreed to make pictures of the young generation. These images are to broadcast a bond, the bond that all these people in a one: one would like to find out about the UFO phenomenon and you know it exists (you take it seriously).

I would like to thank my friend Isabel that this and many similar pictures for the other person in the picture, has made this evening.

more information about the conference and joint meetings can also be found in the DEGUFO :

Andrew Kramer has for Mysteria 3000 also something about the meeting and wrote the joint discussion tonight that you can find here:

How could I learn from my colleagues Guido Natale Cincinnati you will also have a product to can read in the coming session Journal for UFO Research ( JUFOF ) .

Friday, April 18, 2008

Who Makes Cabelas Alaskan Guide Scopes

Interview deal at: June

From the column: UFO research.

On 15th April 2008 , just two days after the termination of the DEGUFO Spring in Erfurt led Carsten Dresbach , the operator of Blog Site Exonews a telephone interview with the initiator of German Initiative for Exopolitics , Robert Fleischer through.

In the interview, which is free as a podcast now available on the Web, Robert Fleischer is talking about his current residence in Washington, on the Exopolitics Initiative but also DEGUFO the spring meeting.

You may also interesting background reports on the meetings of the various UFO organizations - listen - MUFON-CES , GEP and DEGUFO . The organizations had indeed in the background of the meeting decided to zusammenzusarbeiten closer in the future. There are also

me about it in the interview, some information.

the podcast you can find here:

There you can also an interview with Björn Bossing , 2nd Chairman of the DEGUFO find that on the eve of DEGUFO Spring Meeting, on 11th was April 2008, led by telephone.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Where In Fresno To Buy Wholesale Chicken Wings

Coming soon Looking back on the outskirts of Erfurt

From left to right: Alexander Knörr, 1 Chairman of the DEGUFO eV, Marius Kettmann, a member of MUFON-CES eV, Guido Natale Cincinnati, spokesman GEP eV

From the column: UFO research.

Last weekend, 12 and 13 April was, in Airport Hotel in Erfurt, Erfurt airport right on , this year's Spring the German Society for UFO Research , DEGUFO eV, instead.

In the next few days I will be here more often reported on the meeting, interesting of the papers, but especially of the discussions of the three major German UFO research organizations MUFON-CES , DEGUFO and GEP and the employees of the German initiative for Exopolitics that took place behind the scenes.

In the three major UFO research organizations in Germany are agreed, we will cooperate in the future much more respectful and more closely than in the past was partly the case.

At the end of session led the head of the German Initiative for Exopolitics , Robert Fleischer, an interview with members of the MUFON-CES , the GEP and DEGUFO .

participated in this round: Alexander Knörr , 1 Chairman of the DEGUFO , Guido Cincinnati Natale, spokesman for the GEP, and my humble self, Marius Kettmann, a member of MUFON-CES .

The important conclusion of the interview is that you are looking for a cooperative working climate and you want to find common standardization (eg questionnaires, interviews with witnesses etc.). The database project is already a working example.

What does work better? Much has been in recent days discussed and debated - but most of the people who are not active in these groups and at the meeting were not present.

One speaker during the DEGUFO meeting was the member of two of the groups mentioned - GEP and DEGUFO - and a member of the Society for anomalistics GfA , Ingbert Jüdt . He very aptly summed up what it is actually set without the persons and groups to something in the mouth. would therefore may

"The title of the report at Exopolitics have been somewhat lurid - who took the interview on this side note, the sobriety of the envisaged cooperation will not have escaped

No, it: I quote him here. is not a question of now no MHBs the sky to see more (CENAP), yet it is about the future of "political" reasons, all "real" explain away UFOs (Raab). That there are people in the three clubs, are convinced of the presence of extraterrestrial vehicles, we all know as good as that other members of the existence of a genuine anomaly not being fulfilled with. The former is as little sectarian as the latter "political activists" are.

One of the reasons the new cooperation is the fact that we have the mutual criminalization of the respective positions - and nothing else is! - Up to our ears are tired! We want these positions neither extinguish nor leveling false compromises. But we want to create conditions to ensure that they can finally enter into a genuine dialogue. "

The is nothing further to add. It's about respect and to dialogue. It's not about that now all will proclaim shouting for joy, that one in all agree on is, no it's about constructive exchange and about communication.

That such constructive meetings are possible has proved the DEGUFO -session itself. Here were members of all three groups, as well as the Exopolitics and the POC, in addition to the operators of the support group for abductees by together and discussed objectively and completely to be without personally attacking. This should be handled in the future, only then is it possible to investigate serious and earnest.

The entire interview, you can view the following link:

more information on DEGUFO meeting, the participants, speakers, lectures and discussions, see the next few days on this blog.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Regenerate Hymen-hymenoplasty -no

second solo show in Torgau

from the heading: music and literature.

Last Saturday, the 05th April 2008, it was done: I had my second solo appearance at the Irish Pub limbo in Torgau (the first was held on February 23, 2008 ).

As part of the big live one night asked me to play here again.

about 21:00 clock went off you. In three live sets of 10 songs you could (with the interruption by 2 stops) until about 00:30 clock Live music from a total of 50 years experience rock history.

course were represented once again about 1 / 3 original compositions (including the plays since 2001 no longer live "Until I See " and the song "Till You're Here " in the current Illiterate listen to live entertainment is ). could

The opinions of the audience were very positive and it was tied again many interesting contacts that lead to in future as well as appearances by me as a soloist and together with the Illiterate .

I want to thank here again the organizer Moses was immediately decided for me when it came to the concert experience to live in Torgau . I would also like to thank you that thanks to his commitment and the vocal listening experience has been improved.

again accompanied me to this show my mother and my girlfriend Ellen Isabel of which is also the live picture of the evening in this blog entry. For me it is always a pleasure to loved ones at the concerts with you. In this sense, the two of you have for me made the evening even more beautiful - I thank you that you are with me and your experiences tells me. A big thank you to the two most important women in my life - I love you.

Torgau will certainly hear from me in the future and I am pleased when my roads lead back there.

all news about upcoming performances, you, as always in this blog.

Microsoft Mouse 5000 Pin Number

review of Illiterate baptism of fire

from the heading: music and literature.

On Friday, 28 March 2008, it was time, the new Illiterate line up played their first gig (if you're charged only for the guests and very brief appearance for the Men's Day last year in Illiterate headquarters in Elster not counting).

In Lucas Cranach school in Lutherstadt Wittenberg had this year's school year (to which also our guitarist Konrad Kober is) a just 1 1 / 2 hour program compiled, which in addition to choir performances, some interesting musical performances (among other things, played our guitar Konrad Kober the song " Johnny B. Goode " by Chuck Berry in a specially assembled band song guitar and sang along with a young, aspiring singer " Freak On A Leash " from the band KORN in version MTV Unplugged by in which Jonathan Davis, lead singer of the song KORN, this song with Amy Lee , the singer of Evanescence , offered) and sketches, including by Loriot .

about the middle of the show had come: the Illiterate were present at the baptism of fire of the new line-up for the first time two of his own songs live before an audience.

We had the two songs " Am I a stone? " and "Till You're Here " decided by myself that we had worked musically in recent months, the same time the audience but also the Opportunity gave to experience songs from our former live repertoire again (because both songs were already in the shows in 2005 and 2006 in our program - albeit in a modified version than currently, which is already out of the former cast of three people and the current requires four people).

Both songs were received by the public very well and we happened opinions were positive. Thus, we can look forward to future performances this year.

The completion of the live program, the creation of the website and are preparing for upcoming recordings soon in full swing. This year will be ready for some surprises for the fans and all of the tenth Anniversary of the Illiterate .

All news are great as always here in the blog.